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Elite firms exclude working class

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Top public schools are selective. They only accept the brightest kids in the first place. So it is likely they will turn out brighter than the average kids.

It's no great surprise.

Eton has a very high entry level at CE.


Define "top".


The three independents in Sheffield (Sheffield High, Birkdale and Westbourne) are only selective at GCSE level. Any child at reception level can start at these schools without testing. By the time they reach senior level, there are entry exams, but as said child has been at the school for 7 years, and is used to the way of learning, they won't be an issue.


Look at the results of these schools (Sheffield High in particular is better than a lot of the schools considered "top") and then realise that the school is only selective at a certain point.

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Absolutely! And what's rarer than someone from a disadvantaged background being a top judge, are people from a privileged backgrounds whose parents paid for them to go to a top public school who work in packing factories or serving burgers & fries in MacDonalds....


---------- Post added 15-06-2015 at 23:34 ----------



I would imagine so


eh? that doesn't make much sense.

I know there are some stupid kids in 'posh' schools like there are in all schools. But generally speaking, all children when given a good education are capable of becoming quite bright and achieving to a decent standard.

So you'd expect that 99.9% of children who go to a 'top public school' come out the other end with the knowledge and qualifications to attain a 'higher than mcdonalds' level of employment. And failing that at least the contacts and friendships to achieve a similar result.


You'd be rather annoyed if you paid x thousands a year and your child came out with only a mcdonalds level of education.


Top public schools are selective. They only accept the brightest kids in the first place. So it is likely they will turn out brighter than the average kids.

It's no great surprise.

Eton has a very high entry level at CE.


Define "top".


The three independents in Sheffield (Sheffield High, Birkdale and Westbourne) are only selective at GCSE level. Any child at reception level can start at these schools without testing. By the time they reach senior level, there are entry exams, but as said child has been at the school for 7 years, and is used to the way of learning, they won't be an issue.


Look at the results of these schools (Sheffield High in particular is better than a lot of the schools considered "top") and then realise that the school is only selective at a certain point.


I didn't use the phrase originally in this thread, but the Eton, Harrow, Westminster, St Paul's league are probably the top then we have a second tier of (and I may be a little out of date here) but Rugby, Stowe, Oundle, Uppingham, Zedburgh, Shrewsbury etc are pretty close behind.


I actually thought Sheff High School was selective throughout but it definitely is from 11+, Westbourne is not and neither is Birkdale.


They will have good results because they can easily exclude disruptive pupils.

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