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Gunstones on strike

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The employees want more bread!

Seriously, though, I'm baffled by the rush to go on strike. Don't they realise that:

a. the UK economy is wonky; and

b. there's a lot of eager unemployed who'd jump at the chance to work?


Plus the item includes this pearl:

John Higgins, of the Bakers, Food and Allied Workers' Union (BFAWU), said: "We're talking about people on the lower end of the pay scale and yet (the company) want to start negotiating to take away some of the terms and conditions such as shift payments, overtime payments.


"These are the things that actually make it feasible for people to live from January to December."


As opposed to living when, eh?

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Employees have still not received last years pay rise. Massive investment running into 10s of millions for a new production area some time ago that lays absolutely dormant most of the year. When it is up and running is doesn't produce half as much as the old part of the bakery. Feel sorry that people haven't been paid what they are owed.

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I,m not surprised about the holding back of pay and other skulduggery if its still run by the cowboy outfit Vision Finance!,they screwed all Fletchers HGV drivers out of their redundancy money a few years back.A fair deal had been arranged by their representative,their reaction was to send him down the road with a payout and it was two fingers to the transport staff!,they are past masters of dodgy dealing!.Fingers crossed for the Gunstone workers they are going to need all the luck going with those shysters!.

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The employees want more bread!

Seriously, though, I'm baffled by the rush to go on strike. Don't they realise that:

a. the UK economy is wonky; and

b. there's a lot of eager unemployed who'd jump at the chance to work?


Are they good enough reasons why companies should not pay employees a living wage?

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The employees want more bread!

Seriously, though, I'm baffled by the rush to go on strike. Don't they realise that:

a. the UK economy is wonky; and

b. there's a lot of eager unemployed who'd jump at the chance to work?


Plus the item includes this pearl:

John Higgins, of the Bakers, Food and Allied Workers' Union (BFAWU), said: "We're talking about people on the lower end of the pay scale and yet (the company) want to start negotiating to take away some of the terms and conditions such as shift payments, overtime payments.


"These are the things that actually make it feasible for people to live from January to December."


As opposed to living when, eh?


You mean a race to the bottom then?

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