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Gunstones on strike

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Where is Gunstones factory and where can i buy Gunstones slice bread,

i never see it on the shelfs. Sheffield.


Gun stones is up dronfield and they make sandwiches for m+s .and I believe sainsburys hence you won't see their bread on shelves

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Why is it nonsense?




Housing costs increased by 300% whilst wages increased by 20%, the housing was artificially inflated in price by various subsidies and forms of government spending, this is the route of our economic problems.


Wages have a lot of catching up to do. For them to increase by a measly 53%, whilst housing costs stayed still, would still not increase wages enough to bring earnings and housing costs back into proportion with each other.




Brilliantly. consumers would have a lot more money, lower real term debt, and a hell of a lot more disposable income if their largest outgoings (e.g. housing), do not increase.




They would go up, but it wouldn't be a problem, as wages would be higher.


Very few, potentially a lot less than otherwise. Only the ones that would have failed anyway, and some that would've failed, might not, if their customers could afford to use them.




Private and public debt would be massively reduced in real terms via inflation. Aggregate demand would increase. The lack of money in the economy would be no more, as those in most need of currency to trade and consume would be able to access it.




You call me loopy yet you have just spouted out the same lines that have been used time and time again by right wing neo-liberal corporate welfare junkies for the past 30 years, and have consistently been seen to be false.



Yeah, Chem1st is quite right; the ROOT (not route lol) cause is House PriCe Inflation which is going up and up and UP and something needs to be done about it now; a combination of massive government subsidy for fulltime working people to help pay their own mortgages at a longterm fixed near-zero interest rate, the opportunity for housing association, council and private tenants to buy SHARES in their landlord as a proportion of their rent (say, 10% of their rent, rising to 20% after say, five or ten years, and also other measures, possibly even a BAN on migrant workers from other EU countries from buying 'affordable housing' unless they have lived and settled in the country for over a decade. This last one will need special provisions to exempt people who are commuting/living close to the Ulster border in Ireland; interestingly Ireland has an overall SURPLUS of modern housing in so-called 'ghost estates'. Maybe some employers could look at offering interested unemployed people new opportunities in plants that they could set up in some of those housing-surplus places in Ireland? A lot of people of Irish background like myself -and also others- would seriously consider the idea as Ireland is already a familiar country with much in common with Scotland and Wales, and many towns especially in the west and the Borders of the Republic and Northern Ireland have been crying out for more investment for years.:D

Edited by Tyranna
additional spelling corrections
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