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Can anybody offer advice? My fridge freezer has stopped working!

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My 5yr Samsung fridge freezer has stopped working is it any use getting somebody to look at it or should I just buy a new one.


Is it lighting up inside if it is then its not the fuse in the plug .Still lighting up then prob the thermostat if so not worth spending money on. Hope its not lighting up then its only fuse in plug.:hihi::hihi:

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Give a few more details and someone on this forum maybe able to help??

Mine wasn't keeping things chilled properly and thermostat reading well above normal. Someone suggested trying to poke the small drainage hole inside the fridge with a very thin straw. Ta da! It worked as bits of crumbs had blocked inside and the fridge :thumbsup:started to work perfectly after.:thumbsup:

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Is it a frost-free type for the freezer section? Has the motor stopped altogether? If you contact anyone you will need the model No. type etc.


Ace Domestics s6 are recommended.


Sometimes, if its a frost-free type, switching it off overnight can re-set the electronics etc. Difficult though if you have it full.

Edited by carosio
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