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Forge Valley -Dinner time cut ??

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I used to have to catch two buses as my school was out of the catchment area (through choice). I stayed behind most nights to do sports clubs, and often arrived early to go to the library.

Yo'r were lucky - we din't have buses...


... We had t'walk 3 miles bare-footed 'cross ploughed fields tut school hut in't next village. I stayed behind most neets to search through empty crisp bags for scraps, and often arrived early to ava wesh in't boiler room. :P

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I used to have to catch two buses as my school was out of the catchment area (through choice). I stayed behind most nights to do sports clubs, and often arrived early to go to the library.


Me too, when buses were 2p for kids, ran regularly, and we could rely on them turning up.

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Does the letter that was sent home asking for parents thoughts/opinions not mean they are consulting parents regarding the proposed possible changes ?


The change would also mean that no pupils are allowed out at school whereas currently year 10 and above can leave. Obviously some kids in others years do leave the premises without permission, the kids who like to flout the rules!


From a safeguarding children point of view I think it's a good idea that all pupils are to remain on site during the school day. My child socialises to and from school and at weekends too so I personally don't have an issue with the alterations. I believe they are doing it for the benefit of the pupils to ensure they are all getting time to eat which at the moment is a struggle.

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How does reducing the time help ensure that they have enough time?


They are having different sittings, so each year/form are eating at different times. So plan could be that less pupils, means less queues and congestion.

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Me too, when buses were 2p for kids, ran regularly, and we could rely on them turning up.


I left school 15 years ago when it was a 40p fare and we had limited income at home. Buses weren't great then neither, but it was doable. That's my point - it's doable.

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And we are back to the bizarre catchment area of the school. To catch normal public buses it would take 2 buses for most to get home. The Stannington lot love to moan about this school because they know there kids don't have to go there. The green buses to Bradfield and Myers actually pass each other. Crazy, but not likely to change when councilors have no will to change it. I can only guess why.


I don't think 30 minutes is anywhere near long enough to queue, sit and eat a lunch.

Myers doesn't exist. Forge Valley has replaced it and Wisewood

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They are having different sittings, so each year/form are eating at different times. So plan could be that less pupils, means less queues and congestion.


Are the lessons having staggered finish/start times as well? Otherwise what do the kids do when the lesson has finished, but they have to wait for their lunch sitting?

Why not give them a time slot to be able to eat, and send them into the playground for the rest of the time, that's how a lunch hour is supposed to work.

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Are the lessons having staggered finish/start times as well? Otherwise what do the kids do when the lesson has finished, but they have to wait for their lunch sitting?

Why not give them a time slot to be able to eat, and send them into the playground for the rest of the time, that's how a lunch hour is supposed to work.


Yes, different start and finishing times for lunch is being proposed.

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It doesn't leave time for any lunchtime clubs/revision sessions does it? Children need a decent lunchtime break if they are at school all day.



I suggest the thread title gives us a clue, " Forge Valley -Dinner time cut ??". Dinner time is for dinner, not for revising or any kind of club or any other malarky.



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