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UK unemployment

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I'd be interested to know how they do please - I've only got the publication from the ONS about how they collect the ILO to figures to go on...


When you can all start behaving like grown ups I might just tell you - tho if you all stopped playing playground stuff you could easily work it out cs it's not like it's a state secret. I am fed up to the back teeth of people on this forum who think with a little knowledge they are right. You Obelix on this one are the closest in terms of how it's reported,. The others quite frankly are talking through their backsides.

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There are two metrics. One is the UNEMPLOYMENT figure. That's the one we are talking about. That's the one that sanctioned people appear on.

/QUOTE]so from your link show me where it says the above :suspect:


---------- Post added 18-06-2015 at 07:18 ----------


When you can all start behaving like grown ups I might just tell you - tho if you all stopped playing playground stuff you could easily work it out cs it's not like it's a state secret. I am fed up to the back teeth of people on this forum who think with a little knowledge they are right. You Obelix on this one are the closest in terms of how it's reported,. The others quite frankly are talking through their backsides.

please provide proof when you do ann it might help squash the rumours :hihi:

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This is Obelix's regular modus operandi. Take no notice of him. He tries to rile you by insisting on 'evidence' even after you've provided it. .


Are you really saying that a newspaper report should pass as evidence? If that's the case then there really is a world war 2 bomber on the moon :)



Edited by truman
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Wow, typing

are people sanctioned included in unemployment figures
into Google reveals this:


FOI Request


FOI Request: Sanctioned Jobseekers Allowance




Could you please verify as to whether ‘sanctioned’ Jobseekers in receipt of Jobseeker’s Allowance (both income and contributory based) are included in official government statistics/datasets submitted to the Office for National Statistics (ONS) in relation to UK unemployment. Could you also further clarify as to whether this remains the case in relation to Universal Credit?


Furthermore, could you also inform me as to whether sick and disabled UK residents in the Work Related Activity Group (WRAG) of Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) are included in official government unemployment data/statistics submitted to the ONS, and whether this data is included in published ONS figures. Does this extend to ‘sanctioned’ ESA WRAG recipients?




Thank you for your recent request under the Freedom of Information Act regarding the effect of sanctions on UK unemployment statistics.


Unemployment in the UK is measured using the Labour Force Survey (LFS), consistent with the International Labour Organisation (ILO) definition. The LFS is a sample survey of people living in private households. The survey asks a series of questions about respondents’ personal circumstances and their activity in the labour market. Through these questions every respondent is classified as in employment, unemployed or economically inactive, consistent with ILO definitions. The LFS and ILO defines an individual as unemployed if they are without work, available for work and seeking work. The UK applies this as 'anybody who is not in employment and has actively sought work in the last 4 weeks and is available to start work in the next 2 weeks, or has found a job and is waiting to start in the next 2 weeks', is considered to be unemployed.


As this data is gathered from a survey, the LFS, it is independent of whether or not the individual is claiming benefits, and therefore is not affected by sanctions.


If an individual who is in the Work Related Activity Group of Employment and Support Allowance is meeting the above criteria they would also be counted as unemployed irrespective of whether they are being sanctioned or not. The same would also be true of any claimants of Universal Credit who meet this criteria.


ONS also publishes the Claimant Count, which is the number of people claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA). People who are sanctioned are those who have an underlying entitlement to JSA, but have not followed the rules of the benefit scheme. People who are sanctioned do not automatically have their claim closed by DWP, but will not receive payment of JSA during the period of the sanction. Any live sanctioned claim, where the individual continues to sign on, would continue to be included within the Claimant Count. However, if they choose not to sign-on during their sanction period, their claim will be closed, as would be the case generally if a claimant fails to sign on - and as such would not be included in the Claimant Count.


Currently the Claimant Count estimates do not include any claimants of Universal Credit. ONS will include jobseeker Universal Credit claims in the Claimant Count statistics as soon as possible. The absence of Universal Credit claimants currently has a small effect on the Claimant Count for the UK.

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Can you verify this please? I've heard from job centre employees that they are not.


Also we have record numbers who are self employed, I wish them the best of luck of course, but remember being self employed doesn't mean you are necessarily earning any money, certainly not a living wage, or even minimum wage.


And if this was the case you could claim benefits. Becoming self employed does not bar you from the job centre.

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Which was essentially the information I linked to in post number #9 I think from a different source Max.


It's gone very quiet from Ricgem and Anna.... :suspect:

not on here every hour of everyday like some :roll: so yes an apology from me for being wrong but( theres allways a but) from the information you linked didn't even mention sanctioned people so I was right there :hihi::hihi:

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I'm mightily confused, and everyone is arguing back and forth.


So if you're on unemployment benefit, you get sanctioned - do you contribute towards the national un-employment figures as being un-employed??


Do they do separate figures for those claiming job seekers allowance - do you also contribute to that figure even if you're sanctioned???

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