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UK unemployment

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I'm mightily confused, and everyone is arguing back and forth.


So if you're on unemployment benefit, you get sanctioned - do you contribute towards the national un-employment figures as being un-employed??


Do they do separate figures for those claiming job seekers allowance - do you also contribute to that figure even if you're sanctioned???


From the above


"The LFS and ILO defines an individual as unemployed if they are without work, available for work and seeking work. "


No mention of benefits whether sanctioned or not...

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so I was right :hihi::hihi::hihi:


No you were not right. You were totally wrong, you've had it pointed out by several people with knowledge of why you were wrong. A civilised person would be man enough to admit their mistake and apologise.


Get back under your bridge, troll.


---------- Post added 18-06-2015 at 15:22 ----------


I'm mightily confused, and everyone is arguing back and forth.


So if you're on unemployment benefit, you get sanctioned - do you contribute towards the national un-employment figures as being un-employed??




Do they do separate figures for those claiming job seekers allowance - do you also contribute to that figure even if you're sanctioned???


The "unemployment" figures are four sets of metrics.


There are the employed - those who are working.

Those who are economically inactive - ie drawing sick pay, retired, capable of work but studying, those living off savings or a lottery win, etc.

Those who are unemployed - ie capable of work, and looking for work and available for work.

Those who are claiming JSA.


If you are claiming JSA then you are unemployed. You might however be unemployed but not claiming JSA - you may have too much in savings, you may have resigned and so cannot claim JSA for 16 weeks or whatever, you maight have been sanctioned.


The reported "unemployed" figures are usually expressed in the papers as those "out of work" and by implication looking for work which is always higher than those claiming JSA.

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Essentially yes. The ONS prefers to use the unemployed figure as this is the same one as used all over the Eurozone and gives a more accurate picture. It's also the one the that BoE uses for it's decisions.


The JSA count is of no real relevance for anything other than looking at the size of the benefits bill really.

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A friend of mine used to work for DWP and they're indirectly rewarded for sanctioning, or for collating and curtailing calls in certain ways. In other words fob'em off and sanction'em means you keep your job and you're not sent on target improvement type courses.


He now uses his inside knowledge to teach people how to play the system and maximise their incomes. He's taught me and we've helped dozens people claim thousands. All we ask in return is that they use this knowledge to help others do the same.


---------- Post added 19-06-2015 at 01:04 ----------


From the above


"The LFS and ILO defines an individual as unemployed if they are without work, available for work and seeking work. "


No mention of benefits whether sanctioned or not...


But if you're sanctioned it is often, nearly always deemed because you are not seeking work, therefore not included.


---------- Post added 19-06-2015 at 01:06 ----------



You are right, as I said in my post claimants who have been sanctioned are not counted unless they continue signing on during the sanction, (which few of them do - probably don't even know they are expected to,)


and those on Universal Credit are not counted at all. This information is on the ONS website.


This is 100% correct.


---------- Post added 19-06-2015 at 01:09 ----------


Not much discussion about this, the Tories were asking the Tories questions about it today, in Westminster. Rather unethical.


I get the impression that they are trying to say its the sign of good times, but it was at a similar rate from 2005-08


How much has the total number not working changed?

Its better if people are working, but are peoples lives better.




What we drastically need is - The Spirit Of 1945!


Must watch



Edited by gwhite78
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A friend of mine used to work for DWP and they're indirectly rewarded for sanctioning, or for collating and curtailing calls in certain ways. In other words fob'em off and sanction'em means you keep your job and you're not sent on target improvement type courses.


He now uses his inside knowledge to teach people how to play the system and maximise their incomes. He's taught me and we've helped dozens people claim thousands. All we ask in return is that they use this knowledge to help others do the same.


---------- Post added 19-06-2015 at 01:04 ----------




That gwhite is the biggest load of codswallop I have ever read and it's just not true - doesn't even come close to truth but hey let's not get the truth get in the way of a good story


---------- Post added 19-06-2015 at 01:35 ----------


UC claimants are not all unemployed are they so therefore will not be counted in the unemployed count?

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A friend of mine used to work for DWP and they're indirectly rewarded for sanctioning, or for collating and curtailing calls in certain ways. In other words fob'em off and sanction'em means you keep your job and you're not sent on target improvement type courses.


He now uses his inside knowledge to teach people how to play the system and maximise their incomes. He's taught me and we've helped dozens people claim thousands. All we ask in return is that they use this knowledge to help others do the same.


---------- Post added 19-06-2015 at 01:04 ----------




That gwhite is the biggest load of codswallop I have ever read and it's just not true - doesn't even come close to truth but hey let's not get the truth get in the way of a good story


Yes it is, friends of his have just set up this website to help folk defeat these parasites.



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Yes it is, friends of his have just set up this website to help folk defeat these parasites.




Sorry a load of spherical objects. I work there and I know how things are run. Your mate doesn;t any more and like in all workplaces things change. However what you are saying was NEVER EVER a working practice. So sorry you really are talking nonsense! Seen this website before and you know what - they really didn;t know their job very well did they? As if they did they wouldn;t be spouting the nonsense they are. I could drive a bus through most of what they;re telling people to do. You see the thing is you need to be up to date and current with this type of stuff and they sadly are not.


---------- Post added 19-06-2015 at 01:45 ----------


And actually it's not that hard. If you are claiming a benefit, comply with the requirements for that benefit and you will never have a sanction. That bit's really not that difficult.


---------- Post added 19-06-2015 at 01:46 ----------


DWP staff have NEVER EVER EVER been rewarded in any way shape or form for sanctioning anyone. That really is a pile of utter nonsense

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Sorry a load of spherical objects. I work there and I know how things are run. Your mate doesn;t any more and like in all workplaces things change. However what you are saying was NEVER EVER a working practice. So sorry you really are talking nonsense! Seen this website before and you know what - they really didn;t know their job very well did they? As if they did they wouldn;t be spouting the nonsense they are. I could drive a bus through most of what they;re telling people to do. You see the thing is you need to be up to date and current with this type of stuff and they sadly are not.


Well you're so wrong. Their record is impeccable. They've defeated these parasites many times and continue to do so. They're doing marvellous work to help those most unfairly treated and vulnerable.

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