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Well you're so wrong. Their record is impeccable. They've defeated these parasites many times and continue to do so. They're doing marvellous work to help those most unfairly treated and vulnerable.


No I think not. I have worked there for a very very long time and I can assure you at no time has anyone ever been rewarded in any way for sanctioning anyone. Where you got that one from I don't know. There are no sanctions targets - never have been in my 38 years and I have been in a job (not now) where I have sanctioned people.


They may be well meaning but I think you need to get your facts straight. I have no problem with anyone who has a genuine complaint about DWP but this made up nonsense and hearsay really does my head in.

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No I think not. I have worked there for a very very long time and I can assure you at no time has anyone ever been rewarded in any way for sanctioning anyone. Where you got that one from I don't know. There are no sanctions targets - never have been in my 38 years and I have been in a job (not now) where I have sanctioned people.


They may be well meaning but I think you need to get your facts straight. I have no problem with anyone who has a genuine complaint about DWP but this made up nonsense and hearsay really does my head in.


Of course you and DWP will deny this. But is has been categorically proven many times before staff are rewarded gold stars for sanctioning and disciplined if they do not make a certain amount of sanction referrals. The net is flooded with evidence, I know someone who has exposed this herself to Guardian newspaper.

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Not at all. I could never say any organisation in the land gets it right 100% of the tme any more than you or anyone else can. But there there no 'gold stars' never have been and you don't get disciplined if you don;t sanction. You do realise it's illegal to sanction without due cause I assume? You are talking nonsense.


If DWP get things wrong then hand should go up and it does but you know what I know for a fact your mate did not work in that regime in S Yorks. If he says he did he's spinning you a yarn.


---------- Post added 19-06-2015 at 02:09 ----------


I think you'll find the Guardian gave a balanced report and it does not reflect what you are claiming

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Not at all. I could never say any organisation in the land gets it right 100% of the tme any more than you or anyone else can. But there there no 'gold stars' never have been and you don't get disciplined if you don;t sanction. You do realise it's illegal to sanction without die cause I assume? You are talking nonsense.


If DWP get things wrong then hand should go up and it does but you know what I know for a fact your mate did not work in S Yorks. If he did he's spinning you a yarn.


You are lying again. It has been categorically proven several times DWP staff are known specifically target the vulnerable to meet sanction targets all over the country. Evidence of this is in the Guardian and all over the internet

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Nope a liar I am not. There are NO sanction targets end of . I can see why you think there are though. If there were they would be published as are all Govt Depts targets. Honestly there are no targets for sanctions.


You clearly don;t understand how a target is put together. How do we know how many people who come over the doorstep are not going to comply with what they have to do to receive their benefits? Do you have a crystal ball ? We don't


---------- Post added 19-06-2015 at 02:19 ----------


If there were I'd tell you because it would be published as a matter of public record. There are none and that's that

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Nope a liar I am not. There are NO sanction targets end of . I can see why you think there are though. If there were they would be published as are all Govt Depts targets. Honestly there are no targets for sanctions.


You clearly don;t understand how a target is put together. How do we know how many people who come over the doorstep are not going to comply with what they have to do to receive their benefits? Do you have a crystal ball ? We don't


---------- Post added 19-06-2015 at 02:19 ----------


If there were I'd tell you because it would be published as a matter of public record. There are none and that's that


Yes you are lying, again. DWP have league tables and staff who don't sanction are continually put on 'review' The evidence is all over the internet and irrefutable. Its like denying the holocaust.

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Now now children.


Play nicely...:)


Lol :) gwhite believe what you want is kinda my view. I know the truth - your mate I think needs to check their facts. I applaud what they are doing in terms of trying to help people. But to be honest if people just did what they were asked to do i.e. look for a job and prove they are the vast majority would have no problem at all as there would be no need to sanction.


Those who do get sanctioned often on my experience can't be bothered to provide proof that the sanction isn;t justified and then moan like hell. Would be interesting to know how many your mates have 'rescued' were in that particular boat. Remember the person making the decision will do so based on the written evidence they have in front of them and may indeed ask for additional info. You don;t bother providing it - a lot don;t - you are not helping yourself. Your mates site doesn;t seem to mention that but as someone who has in the past done this type of job it's important. So maybe they should start doing this properly or leave it to CAB who are well versed.


---------- Post added 19-06-2015 at 02:35 ----------


Oh and there are absolutely NO league tables for sanctions. Never have been and no people are not put on review for not sanctioning. As I said you can;t just decide Oh I'm sanctioning x today cos not done them before. It does not work that way. You have to have a reason in law for doing so. However the onus of proof for most things - depends tho on circumstances - is on the claimant. So if it's prove to me you;ve been looking for a job - quite clear where the onus lies there.

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Lol :) gwhite believe what you want is kinda my view. I know the truth - your mate I think needs to check their facts. I applaud what they are doing in terms of trying to help people. But to be honest if people just did what they were asked to do i.e. look for a job and prove they are the vast majority would have no problem at all as there would be no need to sanction.


Those who do get sanctioned often on my experience can't be bothered do provide proof that the sanction isn;t justified and then moan like hell. Would be interesting to know how many your mates have 'rescued' were in that particular boat. Remember the person making the decision will do so based on the written evidence they have in front of them and my indeed ask for additional info. You don;t bother providing it - a lot don;t - you are not helping yourself. Your mates site doesn;t seem to mention that but as someone who has in the past done this type of job it's important. So maybe they should start doing this properly or leave it to CAB who are well versed.


CAB are helpful but JSSA success record is 100% The evidence is all over the internet and on the Guardian newspapers website. Every detail categorically proven and scrutinised, denying the DWP unfairly sanction people is the equivalent of denying the holocaust. End of.

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And btw how dare you call me a liar! You have no right to say that at all. None whatsoever. Get off your soap box! Typical forum poster - My mate says it;s right so it is. Well no it isn;t. Don;t you dare call me a liar. I could return the compliment but I have better manners


---------- Post added 19-06-2015 at 02:39 ----------


CAB are helpful but JSSA success record is 100% The evidence is all over the internet and on the Guardian newspapers website. Every detail categorically proven and scrutinised, denying the DWP unfairly sanction people is the equivalent of denying the holocaust. End of.



Gwhite what's all over the internet is not FACT. It's hearsay at best so stop telling me it;s otherwise. I'm no fan of our lords and masters politically but I can assure you what you are saying is tosh!


---------- Post added 19-06-2015 at 02:40 ----------


And how dare you claim that a DWP sanction is up there with the holocaust. How sick are you? Really!

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