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Stuff you could NEVER sell!

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In approximately 2 years time I will be moving overseas for good so I'm in the process of selling EVERYTHING but essential clothing. I have a vinyl collection of approximately 1000 records, mostly jazz, Detroit type intelligent techno / deep-house chillout, plus a few breakbeat jungle tunes.


Vinyl is hip again and selling fast for big bucks. I have many records worth well over £100. I need the money but have emotional attachments to lots of these pieces of wax so will NEVER sell. It will be a very expensive bureaucratic pain in the arse shipping these vinyl to Denmark, but I cannot sell them.


Is there any physical items you could never sell?

Edited by gwhite78
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My children, although they have sometimes as a process been a right royal pain in the arse.


Off the top of my head I don't think I'm that attached to anything apart from specialist tooling I've acquired and some items been handed down in the family.


Best wishes with the move btw.

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We left with 2 suitcases full of clothes and shoes and stuff. And 2 sea chests. The smaller one had all my tools in it, nothing exotic, just spanners, screw drivers etc., the things I needed to get a job. The larger one had anything my wife wanted to bring. 40 years later, the only thing left apart from a few items of jewelry are, you guessed it, her collection of 45's. The power of music is amazing.

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The power of music is amazing.


Here I am I'm skint sitting on a gold mine needing money for moving abroad but just cannot sell most of my vinyl, I will sell around 200 of my techno 12"s but thats it. Leaving around 800 records to move abroad. It will be very expensive, inconvenient and bureaucratic but that is the power of music!

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We have a loft full of vinyl which I wouldn't mind selling but try and part me from my rather large stash of everything "craft" would be like ripping my arm off. I have vowed to stop buying though because now I have boxes of wool and fabric appearing all over and I can't knit/sew fast enough to use it all.


Then there's the family antique pieces which I wouldn't mind selling but don't know where to start.

I couldn't possibly live without my kitchen gizmo's either. The latest is the "Masha" from lakeland. If you want perfect mashed spuds then you really do need one of these.


We have to think about downsizing because our house is on a hill but I really don't know where to start! I did recently fill a big black sack with my redundant clothes but it only ever made it to the landing! Charity shop is next. lol


When I look around our "pile" there is so much stuff but it's all part of our lives and has been with us forever. My eldest said we need to de-clutter and she's right, but just where do you begin? Do I start with the huge box of family photographs taken over a lifetime. I wonder what our eldest would say if we decided to begin with throwing out all of her framed uni graduation photo's! lol She wouldn't be very happy if we told her not to give us any pics of her expected newborn baby either because it would just be cluttering the place up.


Very difficult isn't it? Our records are probably the least of our problems because we had our fun out of them and they haven't seen the light of day for years. Loads of 70's stuff.


I forgot to mention all the stuff that we have inherited from our parents as well......we are bursting at the seams.

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I couldn't part with my music and books, my family tree research and pics. Everything else not that attached to


---------- Post added 19-06-2015 at 03:51 ----------


Here I am I'm skint sitting on a gold mine needing money for moving abroad but just cannot sell most of my vinyl, I will sell around 200 of my techno 12"s but thats it. Leaving around 800 records to move abroad. It will be very expensive, inconvenient and bureaucratic but that is the power of music!


Try record collector at Broomhill

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