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Stuff you could NEVER sell!

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i would never sell my beloved motown vinly collection. spent a far few bobs onit over the years. most never being took out of the sleeve. i listen on cd now.


I dont have anything fancy, but my music collection is very personal to me... It be like selling my best friend. Same goes for my books.

My vinyl collection is worth about £1500 but its worth more to me emotionally.

Edited by alternageek
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Everything can go in the L00b household, except some of the furniture. Some which is centennial and older family heirloom (brought over when we bought our first house in R'ham, followed use ever since, incl. Ireland and back), and the dining table and chairs which we commissioned and had made (in wild cherry wood, to match the family heirloom furniture) in Ireland.


Oh, and my great grandfather's English school book and my wife's grandmother's mixing bowl.


There would probably be a lot of uhm-ing and ah-ing, if not outright resistance, by Mrs L00b about the MX-5 as well (we've owned it 15 years). Thinking further, I'd probably 'trade' the bean-to-cup machine against it. Can do without the car, but neither of us can do without a decent brew first thing in the morning.

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For me its just my late nan's wedding ring, family photos & videos & 2 quad valve amps that were made in the year I was born, everything else is just stuff.


Use to be a huge vinyl collector and by the late 90s had around 10,000 singles and albums

there was some rare stuff, then I had a good offer from someone with a shop and online business who I use to buy from so sold the lot, can't say I miss them.


Oh and kids arrived :hihi:

Edited by xdbx
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Instruments. That's about it really.


I sold my entire vinyl collection the day after I bought my first cd player in '85 ish.


No regrets.


Well, apart from the Thick as a Brick in the original newspaper cover. Oh, and my original Sgt Pepper's. And some others. Well, quite a few regrets actually.


Not as many as when I chucked my entire comic collection in the bin, though.

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