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Is there anyway to persuade my daughter to end her relationship?

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Aarrgggh I hate him but I know why women prefer these arshole bad boy types over other decent lads. He's cocky, arrogant and is probably seeing other women but she's besotted with him. We also know the more I and my ex disprove of her relationship with this specimen the more she'll want to see him.

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They go through life's learning curve just like you without your experience. Just be prepared and be there for them. It's almost impossible as a parent to give wisdom if they have nothing to compare it with. There will always be a time in their lives when you know <REMOVED> simply because you ARE the parent. When they become parents they will at one time be asking the exact same question as you are now.

Edited by alternageek
Masked Swearing
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Nothing you say will make her change her mind - she will just dig her heels in.

All you can do is watch from the side line and be there to pick up the pieces when it all goes wrong.

Hardest job in the world being a parent isn't it ?

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Aarrgggh I hate him but I know why women prefer these arshole bad boy types over other decent lads. He's cocky, arrogant and is probably seeing other women but she's besotted with him. We also know the more I and my ex disprove of her relationship with this specimen the more she'll want to see him.

You need to snap her out of it and show her what a silly little girl she is buy picking this creep. You owe it to your daughter.

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I think you should just make out that you've changed your mind about him. Really she doesn't want your approval - she wants to show that she's independent.


The novelty will wear off when you start asking about him and possibly inviting him round for tea.


I knew of a couple whom didn't like their daughter's boyfriend because of his ethnic background and personality traits but they didn't let on their disliking of him and the relationship didn't last beyond a few months, four at most.

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I agree wholeheartedly with cassity and daven, nothing at all you can do except watch this trainwreck happen.


Our girl at age 17 thought she was all growed up. What 17 year old doesn't? Her dad and I didn't approve of her boyfriend. He was slightly older, with a bad attitude and was incredibly possessive of her.He toed the line around my husband, but was rude to me and nasty to her younger brother. None of this fazed her in the least. Her friends thought he was cool.


We had it out one night and she took off...in the car her father bought her and with the phone we paid for.


She stayed with a girlfriend's family for a week until she wore out her welcome and I shut the phone off because she refused to answer it. She eventually wised up and realized Romeo was no good. But it was painful (for everyone) and many tears were shed before it was all over.


Your girl will eventually come to her senses, but it may take a while depending on her threshold for his shenanigans and how besotted with him she is.

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Just be a good parent and be there ready for the tearful phone call when she gets hurt and wants you to go and pick her up from wherever she is, and try not to say 'I told you so' when you're doing it.


We'd love to think that people can learn from our mistakes, but sadly we only learn from our own, which sometimes means that you have to stand by and watch loved ones get burned by their choices, even when you know that they are playing with fire. There are times when it is very hard to be gracious when you're trying to hug away the pain, but it's important to try.

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