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This is terrorism. Not a hate crime!!

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You have no data or figures to base your views and that is where you fail miserably.


This country is spending billions each year to contain the violence from Islamic extremism and our freedoms are constantly being chipped away at to try and maintain the containment. We have every right to complaint about this and whilst some countries in Europe may also have a problem with violent seperatist or right wing groups, we don't. Our violent extremism problem is all Muslim.


Your comunity needs to work out how to tone it all down to stop a disproportionate number of followers straying down the violent extremist path e.g. 700 this year going off to join an extremist cause. Constantly arguing 'it isn't fair' and 'what about them' isn't going to change how people feel and how they will eventual react to the violence of Islamic extremism. You need to pull your heads out of your backsides, stop sulking and get on with modernising.

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But in a free society its apparently not good practice to lock people up because they might kill someone, its all best to wait until they do and then you have all the evidence you need to keep them locked away. Now if there had been someone else with a gun they could have shot him and maybe saved a few lives.


People attending church don't usually carry guns nor do they carry them when going to the movies or a shopping mall. In fact most people don't carry guns at any time. Permits are not easily given out


Thinking hateful things isn't a crime. Uttering threats about shooting up a college as Roof originally mentioned to one of his friends should have been reported. The police take such things very seriously. He would have been questioned, his computer taken in and examined, all the sick stuff that was on it discovered and that would have been cause to confiscate his weapons.


People need to be highly vigilant in cases like this

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Man drives car into a crowd in Austria, killing three and injuring thirty. S...t just happens everywhere and in the least expected places


I'd like to see some figures that compares the amount of deaths in Australia caused by someone driving into someone and the amount of black people caused by white terrorists in America.

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I'd like to see some figures that compares the amount of deaths in Australia caused by someone driving into someone and the amount of black people caused by white terrorists in America.


Are you talking of present times or past times? In the southern States up to 5 decades ago there was segregation, lynchings were frequent up until the 1930s. I have no figures on black deaths caused by whites in present times. Blacks kill each other on a regular basis due to gang disputes, drug deals gone wrong in the poorer areas of the inner cities. Yesterday in New Orleans a black policeman with 22 years service and the father of three kids was killed by a black youth who he had just arrested


More Muslims have died at the hands of fellow Muslims than have been killed by non Muslims


White Anglo-Saxon Americans displaced native Americans often committing genocide at the same time


White Anglo-Saxon Englishmen almost wiped out a whole race of Zulus in the late 19 century and carried out genocidal massacres in Australia and India. In Ireland in the mid 19th century 4 million Irish either died or had to emigrate due to the policies of the British government towards Ireland at that time


There are some facts without figures. Chew on that for awhile

Edited by Harleyman
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Are you talking of present times or past times? In the southern States up to 5 decades ago there was segregation, lynchings were frequent up until the 1930s. I have no figures on black deaths caused by whites in present times. Blacks kill each other on a regular basis due to gang disputes, drug deals gone wrong in the poorer areas of the inner cities. Yesterday in New Orleans a black policeman with 22 years service and the father of three kids was killed by a black youth who he had just arrested


More Muslims have died at the hands of fellow Muslims than have been killed by non Muslims


White Anglo-Saxon Americans displaced native Americans often committing genocide at the same time


White Anglo-Saxon Englishmen almost wiped out a whole race of Zulus in the late 19 century and carried out genocidal massacres in Australia and India. In Ireland in the mid 19th century 4 million Irish either died or had to emigrate due to the policies of the British government towards Ireland at that time


There are some facts without figures. Chew on that for awhile


Let's not forget one of, if not thee biggest genocides ever, the native Americans.

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The guy is no terrorist he's a nut whether or not he is a patriotic nut is personal opinion. Death penalty would be too lenient for him.


I would not be surprised of he had not been manipulated by the loonatic anti gun lobby or by supporters of black activists maybe or even as looks the most obvious members of the far right (too obvious perhaps), but someone for sure because from what I've seen of this guy he'd have trouble understanding a mcdonalds menu.



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