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This is terrorism. Not a hate crime!!

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Do you really believe because a white kid goes on the rampage and now white communitities have as big a problem with terrorism as Muslim communities? Surely the average Muslim in the UK must be a little alarmed by the number of young Muslims joing ISIS,

I know comparing "white" communities to "Muslim" communities is not comparing apples with apples but that's all we know about the person and most other posters here don't seem to have a problem making the same comparison.

There's no evidence it is a terrorist attack, yet. I fully accept the difference in description in the media for acts like this vs the nationality of the perp, but calling it a terrorist attack just to even things out isn't really helpful.


Terrorism "is intended to create fear, perpetrated for an economic, religious, political, or ideological goal, and which deliberately target or disregard the safety of non-combatants" and there is no evidence of this so far


White supremacists have had an agenda against the black American community for centuries. This particular church has undergone many, many attacks in the past from white extremist individuals and groups. That's more than enough evidence.


If this person was Muslim and he shot white people, he would be labelled a terrorist. Simple as that.

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For the uneducated a terrorist is a person who commits murder to further a political agenda of some kind generally claiming membership or affiliation with a group with a similar political agenda.


Mr Roof on the other hand is a loner who hates people of colour. He styles himself as a white supremacist wearing a British flag as well as a flag of the now defunct Rhodesia. He has no known connection to any group


His murder of those black people was committed out of sheer personal hatred. A crime of hate

Edited by Harleyman
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Whatever we call this despicable act, it is thoroughly evil.


Can anyone who has such a total disregard for human life, whether they be white, black, brown be really anything else but mentally ill? Unless you are being coerced, planning to commit multiple murders, surely is not the act of any totally mentally well person?


Millions of Jews and other groups were cold bloodedly and systematically murdered by the SS and Gestapo.


Were the thousands of those Nazis mentally sick?


---------- Post added 19-06-2015 at 16:51 ----------


Should white supremacist groups with a shared hydrology bare some responsibility for this mans actions? I think yes.


They say he has no connection to any group. Maybe his mother or father should perhaps

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You mean like when we sailed over and 'discovered' America - murdering and taking the land away from the natives? Also, the same for Australia?


We weren't terrorists, we were pioneers... it's all about context and which side of the fence you sit on. As far as I'm concerned he's a terrorist - he terrorised people through murdering them.


And don't let us get bogged down on the contextual difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter, just to throw that into the mix.


An action can be an act of terror AND a hate crime. These people weren't killed for anything specific that they may have done or said, nor were they killed because of their individual relationship with Dylan Roof, they were killed because in his twisted mind they represented something that he hated and wished to eradicate, so that makes it a hate crime. Whether it is an act of terrorism as well depends on whether in his sick mind he has his thoughts organised enough to have been committing the murders to further an agenda or the teachings/opinions of a specific organisation, and for that I don't think we've got enough information to be certain.


If he committed the murders I'm sure we'll hear enough about his 'reasoning' when he comes up for trial, although there's enough leaked quotes to already have worked out that his thoughts were somewhat confused.

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Should white supremacist groups with a shared hydrology bare some responsibility for this mans actions? I think yes.


Do you know what hydrology actually is?


---------- Post added 19-06-2015 at 18:55 ----------


But apparently its nothing to be concerned about.


According to whom?

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