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Houses of Parliament £7 billion repairs?

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It does make me laugh when you see the same folk carping about spending £7 billion on renovating the Palace of Westminster, who then applaud Corbyn's idea of spending £31 billion building nuclear submarines with no weapons on board.

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£7 billion is the estimate. How much will it actually cost when complete? Has anyone ever heard of a project this big ever coming in on budget in the UK? Personally I think there is something wrong with how projects like this are managed. Does anyone remember the Scottish Parliament building costs. Initial estimates where £10m-£40m. It actually cost £414m, over 10 times the original price.

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£7 billion is the estimate. How much will it actually cost when complete? Has anyone ever heard of a project this big ever coming in on budget in the UK? Personally I think there is something wrong with how projects like this are managed. Does anyone remember the Scottish Parliament building costs. Initial estimates where £10m-£40m. It actually cost £414m, over 10 times the original price.


£10bn at least IMO.


Although if they're being re-located for 6 years anyway I think they should just stay where they get put.

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I suspect, when all the costs are totaled, it will be just shy of £13 billion.


Yep no doubt it'll be in the double digits.


I know it's specialist work, but this is a building refurbishment they're spending untold billions, not millions of pounds on.


With that amount of cash poured in it should be opened to the public as a national monument after, have the formal opening and closing of parliament ceremonies there and thats it, the rest of the government business can be done elsewhere.

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Time to move. Most parliaments these days are in modern airy buildings, suitable for the purpose they intend to serve. Westminster is gorgeous, but very, very expensive. Restore it and, as mentioned, make it into a major tourist venue, call it Museum of Democracy or something, stick a copy of the Magna Carta in it and bob's your uncle.


Then the whole circus can move to a place where it won't cost hundreds of thousands a year just to house the MPs. I propose Sheffield, slap bang in the middle of the UK and we've got plenty of room in the city for a nice parliamentary building and it won't cost a lot. London can stay capital, Sheffield becomes the seat of parliament.


Jeez, we dont want the thieving scum!! Send them to Hull :)


---------- Post added 05-02-2016 at 10:07 ----------


Sheffield council would just put a spoke in the planning applications:hihi::hihi::hihi:


They would insist that it gets put in the Mothercare/Staples triangle at the bottom of the moor

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