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The genocide of accidental children?

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10 000 'dangerous' fake condoms have been removed from sale in Sheffield.


No testing has been carried out on the condoms.


More than 10,000 ‘dangerous’ fake condoms which burst and break were seized in a dawn raid in Sheffield.


No testing has been carried out on the condoms.


It is not known whether they burst and break.


The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency raided a property on Charlotte Road, Highfield, and found the counterfeit Durex condoms.


A man had allegedly been importing fake condoms in bulk online from China.


No testing has been carried out on the condoms.


The condoms are counterfeit, the issue is one of 'patent' and 'brand'


The quality of the condoms remains unknown.


Officers seized a box of 10,000 condoms and sealed envelopes full of the contraceptives ready to be sent to eBay buyers across the UK


Danny Lee-Frost, MHRA head of operations, warned: “If you use these, you are playing a game of Russian roulette.”


“These condoms are not going to work and they won’t protect against pregnancy or sexually-transmitted diseases.”


No testing has been carried out on the condoms.


It is unknown whether they will work.


It is unknown whether they will stop the spread of STDs (VDs).


Russian roulette is a game where you potentially die, I presume he refers to the potential of catching an STD as Russian roulette. Because accidentally creating a life involves no death. (It'd probably be fairer on unborn children to wear the odd dud condom, or not wear one, to give unborn children a potential of life in the first place, a kind of reverse Russian roulette for the condom wearer's sperm and potential accidental children).


Officers from the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency carried out the raid as part of a worldwide crackdown on fake pharmaceuticals.


A pharmaceutical is "a compound manufactured for use as a medicinal drug."


Presumably the condoms were made out of an NPS and thus were legal highs. Or perhaps these condoms were discovered by accident and the authorities were looking for drugs instead.



Danny Lee-Frost, MHRA head of operations, said: “If you use these, you are playing a game of Russian roulette.


“These are not safe to use.


No testing has been carried out on the condoms.



“Previous tests on counterfeit condoms by the trademark holder have found they fail every test they put them through – they burst and break.


“The condoms have a CE mark on them, which is the European Certification mark, but they haven’t actually been tested. These condoms are not going to work and they won’t protect against pregnancy or sexually-transmitted diseases.”


Previous tests on counterfeit condoms have shown they fail the tests they put them through.


Tests on non counterfeit condoms have shown they fail the tests they put them through.


No testing has been carried out on the currently seized condoms.


No condom is 100% efficient at preventing STDs and children. No condom is 100% safe.


Considering the implied danger of these condoms in the newspaper article implied by a government agency, it would be very interesting to see these condoms tested, so that the quality can be determined.


The implied danger is of such seriousness, that many in the UK could have unknowingly caught and passed on STDs.


Surely the people this person has sold condoms to, should be informed of the danger so they can be screened for STD by the NHS.

Also, surely they should be informed so they can sue the seller/maker for Child Maintenance payments and other associated child rearing costs due to the dangerous product.



Officers from the agency raided a property on Charlotte Road, Highfield, as part of the global clampdown.


The agency first became aware of the trade through internet auction site eBay.


Selling stuff on ebay will probably get you a visit from the police.


The raid was part of a global Interpol investigation dubbed Operation Pangea VIII, a week of action across 115 countries.


In the UK, £15.8m of counterfeit and unlicensed medicines and devices were seized in the week of raids.


Some serious cross border action going on here. And it raises some interesting questions.


No testing has been carried out on the condoms.


Surely the condoms should be tested?


Surely everything seized should be tested?



The seizures – the biggest recorded to date in the UK – included huge quantities of illegally supplied and potentially harmful slimming pills, erectile dysfunction tablets and narcolepsy medicines.


Uppers, 'uppers' and downers were seized in very large quantities.


If you have casual sex in the coming months you are probably more likely to encounter somebody struggling to get it up.

You'll probably be more likely to see more sleepy 'energetic' people and those who like downers will probably have baggy/baggier eyes.


It seems strange that we can't freely trade so many common items legally, easily.


The MHRA described the Sheffield raid as ‘very successful’.


Mr Lee-Frost said: “When we went inside, we found an estimated 10,000 condoms – the box had contained 12,000 when it was new.


“This is a very significant number. The man was a bit shocked to see us, but he has been very compliant.


“We will take these away and investigate them, then come back and interview the man.


“The most obvious law being broken is trademark protection. That carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison. It could be quite a significant jail term if we go down that route.


“We don’t know if this is the only box he’s had, or if it’s one of many.


“The original intelligence came from the trademark holder. They go online and see their brand being sold with fakes.”


The 2000 sales (possibly 14000? 26000? 38000? 50000?) of 'dangerous' condoms to people in the UK, isn't seen as much of a large scale public health worry by the MHRA, as no effort will be made to contact the people who have bought these 'dangerous' condoms. This suggests there was nothing wrong with the condoms in terms of safety.


The real worry here is Patent Protection or should that be PATENT PROTECTION © TM?


The MHRA is effectively protecting patents and in turn monopolies. It can jail people for 10 years for infringing on big business's profits.


People's health is obviously of little concern, just don't mess with powerful corporations's profits.


As it stands there is 0 concern for the health of the people who have bought these condoms, this is very suggestive to the person reading the article that the condoms were in fact perfectly ok, and no more dangerous than the leading supplier's brand of condom.


And he warned anybody else thinking about selling fake healthcare products.


“If anybody is thinking about buying these to sell on, you face being investigated and prosecuted under the Trademarks Act,” he said.


Big business alerts us.


The government funds us and big business controls and funds them, we will act on the behalf of big business to lock up anybody who dares infringe on a trademark, brand, or cartel or monopoly of some sort.


“It’s vital we take this action and alert the public to the dangers of fake and counterfeit condoms.”


It's like government telling people homebrew makes them go blind. They protect their tax income.


Much like we tell people Warfarin is a drug that is also used as rat poision in larger quantities and thus can be dangerous, although not in as many words. We protect Big Pharma's income.


Disinformation when used along with large scale police campaigns and heavy punishments is a key way to protect income.



Nationwide, 6.2 million doses of falsified, counterfeit and unlicensed medicines were seized and 1,380 websites have been shut down.


A total of 320 YouTube videos which sought to profit from illegal medicine sales were also removed.


Worldwide, 156 arrests have been made and £51.6m of medicines seized.


Alastair Jeffrey, MHRA head of enforcement, said: “Operation Pangea is the global response to internet facilitated medicines and devices crime. As a result of our intelligence-led enforcement operations, we have seized £15.8m worth of counterfeit and unlicensed medicines and devices in the UK alone – almost twice as much as we recorded last year, and clear evidence that this is a growing concern that has to be taken seriously.


Serious operation!


But, interestingly, no testing has been carried out on the condoms yet.


“Criminals involved in the illegal supply of medical products through the internet aren’t interested in your health – they are interested in your money and are able to get this by selling you a potentially dangerous product, or by stealing your bank details.


“To protect your health, visit your GP, get a correct diagnosis and buy medicines from a legitimate high street or registered pharmacy which can trade online.”


The criminals are thought to be 100% motivated by profit.


They 'might' sell you something dodgy.


They 'could' steal your bank details.


Only buy from certain LEGAL © suppliers. Regardless of quality, quality control, purity, adverse effects, morality, price, ability to access, your personal needs, etc.


-Quite obviously this article in the newspaper is partial propaganda for certain large corporations.


No testing has been carried out on the condoms.


But, let's pretend all the condoms were dodgy.




Removing 10 000 dodgy condoms from a business unit in Sheffield is nothing short of a genocide of accidental children in the UK.


Is it worth preventing 10 000 lives?



What if you are an accidental child? Would you have rather your parent's condom worked? Would you rather your parents had bought an official CE marked branded condom to help them satisfy their sexual desires?


Maybe thy glad tha father got thi muther up t'duff?


Perhaps you are grateful for your life? Perhaps you enjoy life?


Maybe you wish you were never born and want to die, maybe you want compensation from the person who supplied your parents a dodgy condom resulting in your miserable existence, surely you should be compensated for a life without love that was never supposed to be in the first place.


Maybe you run a business selling dodgy condoms for moral reasons because you are a "pro-life" activist.

Maybe you run a business selling dodgy condoms for mammon reasons because you care only for profit.

Maybe you run a business selling items including condoms (some of which may/may not be dodgy), because you are trying to scratch an existence and feed your own children, who may or may not have been born due to the failure of a dodgy condom.

Maybe you are to inherit a business that benefits and exists because of patent protection.


Maybe you just have an opinion or desire to rant on the t'forum.


What DO YOU 'fink'?



I think the genocide of accidental children would be a sad thing. Sheffielders on ebay could inadvertently be creating human life all across the country with dodgy condoms and making money in the process. One of the accidental children could be a modern day hero. You never know eh.

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I think he must be on something - he says no testing has been carried out on the condoms at least half a dozen times.


Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V.


Hammers home the point that there has been no testing and that the article is propaganda.

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