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Skyride Sheffield: 5 July

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I was planning to go into town this weekend to do some holiday shopping, didn't go Saturday because of EDL march. Couldn't go today because of this road race. Went to Matalan instead. So city centre shops have lost my business.

We'd better cancel Christmas in that case, because Meadowhall's an absolute nightmare then.

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minimal? - 30 matches per season plus cup fixtures x 6 hours = 180 hours .... slightly more than a couple of hours

the only charity in pro football is players' wages, poor souls


If you dont want to leave near a football ground then dont. I dont so I dont. dont really get the comparison between this and football - you could take it to any level like someone else said, meadowhall is busy at christmas, don valley gets busy when an event is on, farmers markets, street maintenance etc - the original point was about this specific event.

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If you dont want to leave near a football ground then dont. I dont so I dont. dont really get the comparison between this and football - you could take it to any level like someone else said, meadowhall is busy at christmas, don valley gets busy when an event is on, farmers markets, street maintenance etc - the original point was about this specific event.


It's a very simple comparison, and one which is only made clearer by all the other examples you've given. You might actually be onto something - maybe as well as my idea of cancelling Christmas (which you seem to have strangely appropriated to try and make the opposite point) we should also cancel all events at the arena, farmers markets, all street maintenance and football matches - in fact anything which may risk the conjunction of very slightly bad traffic and a two-year old having a tantrum (something which everyone knows is a very rare occurrence in more normal conditions). I'm sure that in a few years your child will thank you for the utopia that you have created by allowing them to grow up in the most boring place on the entire planet.


Or alternatively you could take your own advice and not live near somewhere which makes a great venue for a few thousand people to have a bike ride once a year.

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It's a very simple comparison, and one which is only made clearer by all the other examples you've given. You might actually be onto something - maybe as well as my idea of cancelling Christmas (which you seem to have strangely appropriated to try and make the opposite point) we should also cancel all events at the arena, farmers markets, all street maintenance and football matches - in fact anything which may risk the conjunction of very slightly bad traffic and a two-year old having a tantrum (something which everyone knows is a very rare occurrence in more normal conditions). I'm sure that in a few years your child will thank you for the utopia that you have created by allowing them to grow up in the most boring place on the entire planet.


Or alternatively you could take your own advice and not live near somewhere which makes a great venue for a few thousand people to have a bike ride once a year.


I would go further, all fun whether organised by groups or individuals is hereby cancelled, there's nothing worse than holiday makers taking up seats on my train home, kids making noise, old ladies chatting cheerfully at the bus stop or people just smiling in generally. These people not only clog up public transport with their pointless journeys, and infuriate others with their cheerful demeanor, they are having fun while I'm not it's just not on and we shouldn't stand for these outrages anymore.

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It's a very simple comparison, and one which is only made clearer by all the other examples you've given. You might actually be onto something - maybe as well as my idea of cancelling Christmas (which you seem to have strangely appropriated to try and make the opposite point) we should also cancel all events at the arena, farmers markets, all street maintenance and football matches - in fact anything which may risk the conjunction of very slightly bad traffic and a two-year old having a tantrum (something which everyone knows is a very rare occurrence in more normal conditions). I'm sure that in a few years your child will thank you for the utopia that you have created by allowing them to grow up in the most boring place on the entire planet.


Or alternatively you could take your own advice and not live near somewhere which makes a great venue for a few thousand people to have a bike ride once a year.


Yes youre completely right. I wish I was as intelligent and wise as you. I am so stupid. Of course, I am depriving my poor child of the sheer excitement of watching anorexic vegetarians wobble around the streets. What a terrible mother I am.

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Yes youre completely right. I wish I was as intelligent and wise as you. I am so stupid. Of course, I am depriving my poor child of the sheer excitement of watching anorexic vegetarians wobble around the streets. What a terrible mother I am.


Anorexic vegetarians, are you sure?

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Yes youre completely right. I wish I was as intelligent and wise as you. I am so stupid. Of course, I am depriving my poor child of the sheer excitement of watching anorexic vegetarians wobble around the streets. What a terrible mother I am.


I'm not aware of anyone suggesting that you should make your child watch it, just that you shouldn't begrudge other people doing it. But wow, you've shown your true colours with the whole anorexic vegetarian thing, haven't you?

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I'm not aware of anyone suggesting that you should make your child watch it, just that you shouldn't begrudge other people doing it. But wow, you've shown your true colours with the whole anorexic vegetarian thing, haven't you?



Edited by amandaholden
cant be bothered with it
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Well yes, I will happily declare, I dont like cyclists! and cycling and all the smarm that goes with it - thats my opinion. Some people dont like dogs - I dont like cyclists. Free country and all that.



So the strength of your argument effectively comes down to: "Waa Waa I cudunt pway brum-brums in my widdle mo-mo car so Imma call you names"

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