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Will GP prescribe something for flying fear?

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The last 3 posts are spot on. Our last flight in 2009 I only had our eldest. Now I have 3 and the middle one fought for her life for six months to be here. I think during that period when she was fighting I suffered some sort of anxiety disorder which has never really cleared up. I do feel underlying anxiety all the time about the kids and their health......The flying just severely heightens what simmers away constantly.


Sorry.. I feel like we've turned this into some sort of therapy session :D :D


Haha! It's not just worrying about their safety eitherl. Suddenly I'm responsible for someone else and need to make sure I stay safe for their sake.

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i dont think its the fear of the middle bit? i.e the journey, i think its probably the take off which is the most dangerous and risky part of the flight, engine failure, bird strike etc etc statistically though flying is the safest form of travel.

just think of all the people that fly everyday for a living they dont give it a second thought.


It's nothing to do with fear of flying as she can't travel in cars but she's fine on a train or a bus.

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I didn't have any sort of fear of flying until my trip back after my Christmas visit to the UK. We were flying over the part of the Ocean where the Italian ship caught fire due to the storms. The seatbelt light came on and all of a sudden the plane just dropped several thousand feet out of the sky. Everything that wasn't nailed down hit the ceiling including drinks, food etc. The entire plane was just people screaming and looking like they'd aged 7 years in about 8 seconds. Even the stewardesses looked terrified.


For the pilots it was probably just a routine method of escaping the turbulence pocket we were in but for the passengers it was just terrifying.

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when our kids were younger at a time when we all used to go away together, I used to say "If the plane's gonna crash at least we all die together". Let's look at it like this, you're strapped in an aluminium can 7 miles in the air, with an outer skin approx 3mm thick and 2 great jet engines bolted to it, what could possibly go wrong!!

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After getting a little bit poorly on a flight a few years back, I've developed a totally irational fear of flying. My kids are missing out. It's not fair on them and so Ive taken the bull by the horns and booked us a holiday. However I keep thinking about sitting in that seat and waiting for take off.....I break out in a sweat, feel sick, My heart races, feel like I need the toilet, my chest hurts and then I start with the trembles. (And this is just imagining it) so how am I going to react in the real situation.

Will Dr's still prescribe some kind of relaxant in order to fly? Am I wasting my time making an appointment? Anyone in the same situation?


You're not alone. http://ifap.blogsport.de/images/plane.png

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I am a GP (initials of glenn pickard) and I spent about 25 years flying aircraft in various parts of the world. All my passengers survived , not so much as a scratch !


Yes you can probably get a sedative from a GP that will last the few hours you are on board the aircraft. Try it. But remember this. Very few people die on board commercial aircraft. Millions fly every year and no Sheffielders are lost ! Most are lost in third world countries with third world airlines. Again, Sheffielders don't fit.

UK pilots are some of the best trained in the world, up there with Canadians, Australians and Americans. Always remember they want to get to their destination in one piece just like you do ! And they do.

Turbulence sometimes scares passengers but it should n't. Hot air rises and cold air falls, and where the aircraft passes through an area where these two systems contact each other, the aircraft gets a little shudder. But it always returns to its previous position, which is straight & level flight


Take the kids flying, they will be thrilled. You will not be hurt. Have a beer or a glass of wine(or two). You will enjoy yourself !

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totally irational fear


No such thing as an irrational fear. If something scares you, it scares you. It's only irrational to people that are not scared by the same thing.


Anyway, back to a solution...


I would go for the "get drunk" or at least enough to build a bit of Dutch Courage. The GP probably would give you something if the first option isn't for you.


They don't boot you out of the airport for being a bit drunk. They out you for being hammered and a pain in the arse towards other passengers and staff.


Whatever you decide, i'm sure you'll be fine.


Oh and can you bring me a stick of rock back... and don't give the the old chestnut that "they don't sell it where i'm going" :hihi:

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