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Dog home boarding?


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We put our dog in a kennel last month while we went to Wales. We were only gone for 5 nights and when we picked her up she was in such a state. She must've pined dreadful for us and refused all food. She's a very slender dog anyway but when we collected her she looked half way to starvation.

It was really a trail run for next month when we go away for 11 nights. I believe now that if I put her in kennels for 11 nights and she reacts the same again, we may not have a pooch when we get home. I think she'd react much better to a home boarding/ home environment but I have no idea where to find such set ups.


I did see one advertised on fb that sounded fabulous. Very homely environment. However it went on to state that Un neutered dog's cannot be boarded if in season. Now I can't guarantee that. It has been about 4 and a half-5 months since her last season so she could well come into season whilst we're away.


I'm at a loss what is best to do??

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No home boarder will take a dog that's in season. They usually have other dogs staying with them at the same time as well as their own dogs. But even if they didn't, a dog in season can be messy and I certainly wouldn't want it in my home.


Do you not have any friends or family that could look after your dog?


Or is there such thing as a pet sitter that will stay at your home while your're away?

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This is the thing. I don't know for sure when she's due. Could be before we leave. Could be after we leave. Could be after we come back. I just don't know.

She's a very small dog. The most I've ever seen from her is two spots on the kitchen tiles. And she usually cleans that up herself. No unfortunately I don't have anyone who could help. Looks like kennels might be the only option. Would a dog survive 11 nights without food? She certainly couldn't have eaten in those 5 nights last month to be as skinny as she came back. So I guess I have to presume she won't eat this time.

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Looks like kennels might be the only option. Would a dog survive 11 nights without food?


Are you seriously willing to try it and see? Could you really enjoy your holiday knowing your dog would be stressed and suffering?


I'm sorry but if my dog was that unhappy in kennels and I had no other option, I wouldn't hesitate to cancel my trip.

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Yes I'll just tell the 3 kids we can't go on holiday. I'm sorry I won't be judged on this. We rescued her almost 6 years ago (Oct 2009) from a very very sorry full life of 23 and a half hours a day in a cage. She's the most beautiful dog and our family love her with all our hearts but collectively we deserve a holiday- our last holiday abroad was Aug 2009- Putting her in Kennels is our only option and if she chooses to not eat whilst there then there is little more I can do other than hope she a aclimatises better on this second stay.

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Yes I'll just tell the 3 kids we can't go on holiday. I'm sorry I won't be judged on this. We rescued her almost 6 years ago (Oct 2009) from a very very sorry full life of 23 and a half hours a day in a cage. She's the most beautiful dog and our family love her with all our hearts but collectively we deserve a holiday- our last holiday abroad was Aug 2009- Putting her in Kennels is our only option and if she chooses to not eat whilst there then there is little more I can do other than hope she a aclimatises better on this second stay.


So you've had 6 years in which to get her speyed which would solve your problem. I'm sorry, but I'd rather disappoint the kids than leave my dog somewhere that it clearly wasn't happy last time. How would the kids feel coming home to a very ill or even dead dog?


My last holiday abroad was 2010. I've not been abroad since then because I took on the responsibility of owning a dog. I now take my holidays in this country where I can take my dog with me. I wouldn't leave her for 11 minutes in a place she wasn't happy, never mind 11 nights!

Edited by angel22
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We always used doggies in wonderland based in s6 for our home boarding. There would be other dogs though but Chris may be able to give you details on someone he knows who could help. He has his own website / fbk page.

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Poor pooch. Neither of ours would do well in kennels. Have you thought about having someone look after your dog in your home? That is what we do. Either a friend, or our dog walker. That way, the only thing that changes for them is us, but being in their own home and bed and going on their familiar walks...they're absolutely fine that way. Far less stressful to them :) Please consider before you think kennels are the only option, you don't want to spend your whole holiday worrying and get back to a wreck of a pooch!

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