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Increase the dole to 1 ISD immediately.

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Does "UK Citizen" mean anyone that can set foot in this country by hook or by crook? Or does it mean people born here and with roots here?


UK citizen is self explanatory, look it up on the internet if you're not sure what it means.

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I'll chip in a tenner to keep Chem here.


And another tenner to start your repatriation to Russia. You might like the way that they deal with dissidents there:rolleyes:


Difficult repatriating someone to a country where they have never set foot. I'm born and bred here old bean. I'm quite happy here now we've got a responsible government.

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Guest sibon
Does "UK Citizen" mean anyone that can set foot in this country by hook or by crook? Or does it mean people born here and with roots here?


We all know that you are a bit simple, HH. But really.


Anyone with half a clue could find out what makes a UK Citizen. It isn't as easy as the Express would have you believe.


---------- Post added 23-06-2015 at 23:34 ----------


Difficult repatriating someone to a country where they have never set foot. I'm born and bred here old bean.


Then you should respect our culture:)


Why do you want to deny Chem the right to freedom of speech?

Edited by sibon
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We all know that you are a bit simple, HH. But really.


Anyone with half a clue could find out what makes a UK Citizen. It isn't as easy as the Express would have you believe.


---------- Post added 23-06-2015 at 23:34 ----------



Then you should respect our culture:)


I do respect UK culture, but not necessarily yours.


---------- Post added 23-06-2015 at 23:36 ----------



Then you should respect our culture:)


Why do you want to deny Chem the right to freedom of speech?


I'm not denying anyone freedom of speach. I'm excercising my own.

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Guest sibon
I do respect UK culture, but not necessarily yours.


You aren't respecting Chem's right to freedom of speech.


That's a pretty central part of our culture.


Do you always try to silence those that you disagree with?

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Guest sibon

I'm not denying anyone freedom of speach. I'm excercising my own.


You are trying to pack him off to the Islamic State. Why is that?

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Guest sibon
No. I offered him cash should he want to go. You should really brush up on your understanding of the English language. Is the election still bugging you?



Why do you think that Chem should go to IS? Why are you offering to pay to send him there?


Your attitude is rather totalitarian, if I may say so. Perhaps you should go on a course, or something. Improve your self-awareness.


ETA: Just seen the "English language" bit. Maybe you should review your spelling on this thread. Pretty amusing comment though :)

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In the UK our unemployed are forced into absolute poverty and greater absolute poverty. Yet in Iraq, in the land we invaded in a illegal war, a regime is rising, one we helped create, in more ways than one. It is now minting coins.


And a single dinar is worth £89, nearly 25% more than the standard weekly UK dole. And more than double the sanctioned dole for UK humans who are completely destitute.


We are in a kind of war, but one that we should refrain from fighting in the traditional sense. We should avoid physical violence at all costs. Lest IS be shown to be defending real Muslims form the Western powers, when we in the West have no problems with nearly all ordinary Muslims, who are good people, just like majority of ourselves are too.


We ought be leading by example and implementing superior social welfare, social welfare that can be copied by other states, and introduced to other states, welfare that is envied and gives us the moral high ground.


When our welfare/social security system makes weekly payments that are below the value of a single common coin minted and used by a competing state with a backwards ideology, we have a problem.



Do you think the dole for UK citizens should be worth more than an Islamic State coin?


Dare we as a nation risk letting a state like IS implement a 1 dinar per week dole that would be superior to our own?



Is the moral high ground and social justice worth fighting for?>


Should we increase dole to 1 IS Dinar? (Or above?)



What do you think?


Will answer your question, Yes the dole is too low, we are 3.7 million jobs away from full employment so even if everybody wanted work they could not have it. Therefore keeping dole and other benefits above poverty should be a given.

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