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Increase the dole to 1 ISD immediately.

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...in the UK our unemployed are forced into absolute poverty and greater absolute poverty.


Please define "absolute poverty" in relation to the UK. Also, if poverty is absolute, how can there be "greater absolute poverty"?





adjective: absolute



not qualified or diminished in any way; total.





When our welfare/social security system makes weekly payments that are below the value of a single common coin


A common coin? One made of gold? Do you know how rare gold is?


It is unclear at present how or where the group is going to mint the currency. Experts point out that getting access to the huge quantities of gold needed to keep the mint going would be next to impossible.




Dare we as a nation risk letting a state like IS implement a 1 dinar per week dole.


The OP is being a tad disingenuous here, since there many denominations of dinar coins planned by ISIS, with values starting at 5¢, some in silver, some in copper. Only the gold dinar is more than the UK dole (for obvious reasons, it's made of flippin' gold!)


Besides, the "risk" the OP speaks of is not very great.


"The point is they have made commitments that they haven't been able to deliver on. In Mosul we hear reports that the cost of cooking gas has gone up 10 times. The mobile network doesn't work anymore and rubbish isn't being collected. As a welfare state they are failing."



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Please define "absolute poverty" in relation to the UK. Also, if poverty is absolute, how can there be "greater absolute poverty"?


A common coin? One made of gold? Do you know how rare gold is?








The OP is being a tad disingenuous here, since there many denominations of dinar coins planned by ISIS, with values starting at 5¢, some in silver, some in copper. Only the gold dinar is more than the UK dole (for obvious reasons, it's made of flippin' gold!)


Besides, the "risk" the OP speaks of is not very great.






Besides, would the Gold coin have any value outside the Caliphate. Internally it may, but what external state would openly trade?

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In the UK our unemployed are forced into absolute poverty and greater absolute poverty. Yet in Iraq, in the land we invaded in a illegal war, a regime is rising, one we helped create, in more ways than one. It is now minting coins.


And a single dinar is worth £89, nearly 25% more than the standard weekly UK dole. And more than double the sanctioned dole for UK humans who are completely destitute.


We are in a kind of war, but one that we should refrain from fighting in the traditional sense. We should avoid physical violence at all costs. Lest IS be shown to be defending real Muslims form the Western powers, when we in the West have no problems with nearly all ordinary Muslims, who are good people, just like majority of ourselves are too.


We ought be leading by example and implementing superior social welfare, social welfare that can be copied by other states, and introduced to other states, welfare that is envied and gives us the moral high ground.


When our welfare/social security system makes weekly payments that are below the value of a single common coin minted and used by a competing state with a backwards ideology, we have a problem.



Do you think the dole for UK citizens should be worth more than an Islamic State coin?


Dare we as a nation risk letting a state like IS implement a 1 dinar per week dole that would be superior to our own?



Is the moral high ground and social justice worth fighting for?>


Should we increase dole to 1 IS Dinar? (Or above?)



What do you think?


I think if non working people aren't happy with the free money they get they could always get a job in the UK, the EU or maybe move to Islamic state. IS.

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In the UK our unemployed are forced into absolute poverty and greater absolute poverty. Yet in Iraq, in the land we invaded in a illegal war, a regime is rising, one we helped create, in more ways than one. It is now minting coins.


What has the UK unemployed got to do with ISIS minting its own coins?


The Unemployed are not forced into absolute poverty as you put it. JSA (there has not been Dole for many years) is at a rte that insures the claimant is NOT in poverty. I know you will probably trot out the usual, people who are sanctioned have their JSA stopped, but this is a tiny minority of the people claiming JSA and as nether you or I know why they are sanctioned, we cannot speculate that they where or were not for justified reasons, i.e. self inflicted or not.


I was unemployed for over 2 years and claimed JSA. I was not in poverty. I could feed and clothe myself, I also received housing benefit so putting a roof over my head was also something I did not need to worry about. I am eternally grateful for the support I received and for this reason I will not sit by and allow people like you, from your ivory towers, claim JSA is something it is not. We have thousands of people attempting to break into the UK because of our benefit system and jobs market. If people are coming to the UK with little or no English skills, into a country with they do not know, without family or peer support and are beating you in the jobs market, you need to sit back and think what exactly is preventing you from getting job.

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Besides, would the Gold coin have any value outside the Caliphate. Internally it may, but what external state would openly trade?


Depends on how much gold is in those coins to be fair, if it's more than £89 worth then you might see them being trafficked out of the country.

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I'm sure you are. I assume you are one of the ones that advocates taxing everyone else and giving more to you.


---------- Post added 23-06-2015 at 23:30 ----------



OK. I'll up my offer to £20. £10 for each of you.


Oh dear........What a plonker you are!

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Depends on how much gold is in those coins to be fair, if it's more than £89 worth then you might see them being trafficked out of the country.


Yes that could be so but that would most likely be for Gold content, not coin face value. That being the case just flog the Gold, don't go to the expense of minting it as a cost would be attached, reducing the initial value of the Gold.

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What has the UK unemployed got to do with ISIS minting its own coins?


The Unemployed are not forced into absolute poverty as you put it. JSA (there has not been Dole for many years) is at a rte that insures the claimant is NOT in poverty. I know you will probably trot out the usual, people who are sanctioned have their JSA stopped, but this is a tiny minority of the people claiming JSA and as nether you or I know why they are sanctioned, we cannot speculate that they where or were not for justified reasons, i.e. self inflicted or not.


I was unemployed for over 2 years and claimed JSA. I was not in poverty. I could feed and clothe myself, I also received housing benefit so putting a roof over my head was also something I did not need to worry about. I am eternally grateful for the support I received and for this reason I will not sit by and allow people like you, from your ivory towers, claim JSA is something it is not. We have thousands of people attempting to break into the UK because of our benefit system and jobs market. If people are coming to the UK with little or no English skills, into a country with they do not know, without family or peer support and are beating you in the jobs market, you need to sit back and think what exactly is preventing you from getting job.

JSA doesn't ensure that claimants aren't in poverty. It pays £73.70 a week for a person aged 25 and over. THAT'S POVERTY!!!

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JSA doesn't ensure that claimants aren't in poverty. It pays £73.70 a week for a person aged 25 and over. THAT'S POVERTY!!!


You are forgetting Local Housing benefit and Council Tax Support.


A 25+ year old will receive:


Jobseeker's Allowance of £3,822.09 pa

Council Tax Support of £587.39 pa

Housing Benefit of £4,929.60 pa


Totalling: £9,339.08 pa


This also does not take into account the following additional benefits available:


Home Improvements Grants

Discretionary Housing Payment

Warm Homes Discount

Boiler Grants


I lived this life for over 2 years. Its not poverty. It was the most relaxing time I have ever experienced. I see why people get trapped, its the easy life and the serial claimants know it and thats why they refuse to get a job.

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