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Lord Falconer, "We were wrong to invade Iraq"

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If there's no limits on bringing politicians to task for lies, falsehoods and hidden agendas then go back to 1956 and Prime Minister Anthony Eden's murky Suez Canal adventure which without American intervention could have triggered off a showdown with the Soviet Union on one side and Britain and France on the other.


Of course if you wanted to put him on trial that's a little too late by now

Go back a bit further and you can read about all the native Americans being murdered to make way for the new world. Lets bring the ancestors of the politicians whos bright idea that was to task and then give the land back to its rightful owners.

The NATIVE American Indians.

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Bliar requires taking to crown court and getting charged with murder, of both British and Iraqi people. The man has blood on his hands, apart from been a liar. Who can forget Tony Bliar's headline-grabbing claim that Iraq could deploy weapons of mass destruction within 45 minutes, utter lies, falsehoods and complete piffle.


As for Falconer, the horse has bolted, lived it's life, and been enjoyed by the Froggies as horseburgers. Too little too bloody late Charlie mate.



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Didn't Libya do something similar? And look what happened to Gadaffi....


True. Anyone who tries to change the status quo and sell oil in anything other than dollars is risking invasion. After all thats the reason we invaded iraq. It had nothing to do with WMDs and everything to do with Saddam selling his oil in euros. America didnt like that and so he had to go.

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