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National pride, or shame?

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Strange analogy there ..... how exactly would taking down an ISIS flag from my back garden stop cranks killing people ?

Maybe those people should be more concerned with banning guns rather than flags ....... just a thought !


You trivialize that specific flag with "people want to ban a flag...really :huh:"


That's fine if everyone thinks and trivializes it, that would be ideal.. but not everyone does, it has a particular nasty history which carries on to this day. Do you think the ISIS flag is 'only a flag' when its fluttering in your neighbor Mr Khan's garden after some poor sod just got his head hacked off? I very much doubt it.


As for guns/weapons?..well those and flags are historically and intrinsically linked...they both kill. They just need the nutter to point and wave them.


---------- Post added 25-06-2015 at 01:49 ----------


I thought that the debate in America was centred around whether or not it was appropriate for the flag to be flown from a government building, as opposed to banning the flag.


Some of the large nationals are removing everything from the shelves related to the flag it would seem..Walmart, Sears etc. Personally I think that's a good thing rather than an imposed thing.

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It doesn't matter a hoot if Sears or Walmart remove anything with a Confederate flag shown on it. People who want them will find them at a thousand other smaller stores. It will also create resentment and even more divisiveness. An attitude of "F.U I'll buy the stuff somewhere else" will just result and it certainly will not do anything to change the mentality of the bigots.




Incidentally in all the years I've shopped in both stores I've yet to see such merchandise

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It doesn't matter a hoot if Sears or Walmart remove anything with a Confederate flag shown on it. People who want them will find them at a thousand other smaller stores. It will also create resentment and even more divisiveness. An attitude of "F.U I'll buy the stuff somewhere else" will just result and it certainly will not do anything to change the mentality of the bigots.




Incidentally in all the years I've shopped in both stores I've yet to see such merchandise


I have no doubt you're right. One wonders why though that all those signs saying "Whites only" were torn down..if a bigot wants to abuse he'll just find another avenue. The point with Sears and Walmart is they did it through choice rather than imposition. I'm sure all those stores are removing items they don't stock simply because you haven't seen any. Maybe it's all under the counter ;)..ask next time you ask for "Kiss my Whip". :hihi:

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You trivialize that specific flag with "people want to ban a flag...really :huh:"


That's fine if everyone thinks and trivializes it, that would be ideal.. but not everyone does, it has a particular nasty history which carries on to this day. Do you think the ISIS flag is 'only a flag' when its fluttering in your neighbor Mr Khan's garden after some poor sod just got his head hacked off? I very much doubt it.


As for guns/weapons?..well those and flags are historically and intrinsically linked...they both kill. They just need the nutter to point and wave them.


---------- Post added 25-06-2015 at 01:49 ----------



Some of the large nationals are removing everything from the shelves related to the flag it would seem..Walmart, Sears etc. Personally I think that's a good thing rather than an imposed thing.


I have trivialised nothing, I just don't correlate this sudden outcry about flying a flag because someone has just murdered people, as for the ISIS flag, when did it move from my garden to the neighbours and how many years has it been flying ? I suspect you are trivialising the ISIS flag with your strange analogy, but seriously, taking down a flag stops people murdering ....... not !

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I have trivialised nothing, I just don't correlate this sudden outcry about flying a flag because someone has just murdered people, as for the ISIS flag, when did it move from my garden to the neighbours and how many years has it been flying ? I suspect you are trivialising the ISIS flag with your strange analogy, but seriously, taking down a flag stops people murdering ....... not !


Strange analogy?? They are both flags with specific hateful ideology and symbolism. I don't know about your neighbors, I don't know if you fly a flag confederate or ISIS..that's why it's an analogy. Duh!


You entered the debate with " Some crank kid murders people and so now people want to ban a flag.....really:huh:"

Not surprisingly you aim your shock/horror at the possibility of a redneck flag being destined for the bin over Black people (not people) being murdered. You may think that flag is trivial, you may think its ban is stupid, you may even be right, but you are White and cosy in Sheffield, not a victim of hate. And before you counter with "You're White and from Sheff too" you'd be right, but unlike you I'm applying empathy...something alien to the right.


But, as you say, banning a flag probably won't have an effect, but that's only likely because some see a flag as more than a rag with pretty colours. Most on the other hand will likely be glad to see the back of it, regardless of whether its rational or not.

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Strange analogy?? They are both flags with specific hateful ideology and symbolism. I don't know about your neighbors, I don't know if you fly a flag confederate or ISIS..that's why it's an analogy. Duh!


You entered the debate with " Some crank kid murders people and so now people want to ban a flag.....really:huh:"

Not surprisingly you aim your shock/horror at the possibility of a redneck flag being destined for the bin over Black people (not people) being murdered. You may think that flag is trivial, you may think its ban is stupid, you may even be right, but you are White and cosy in Sheffield, not a victim of hate. And before you counter with "You're White and from Sheff too" you'd be right, but unlike you I'm applying empathy...something alien to the right.


But, as you say, banning a flag probably won't have an effect, but that's only likely because some see a flag as more than a rag with pretty colours. Most on the other hand will likely be glad to see the back of it, regardless of whether its rational or not.


Me being 'white and cosy in Sheffield' has nothing to do with this discussion, if the flag was such an issue why have all these people waited until there is mass murder to make an issue of it, many of those people making that issue are white and cosy I believe, does this make things better, will it stop hate/race crime /terrorism ? ....... I doubt it, and you applying your alleged empathy does not give you any automatic self righteousness in a discussion !

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Me being 'white and cosy in Sheffield' has nothing to do with this discussion, if the flag was such an issue why have all these people waited until there is mass murder to make an issue of it, many of those people making that issue are white and cosy I believe, does this make things better, will it stop hate/race crime /terrorism ? ....... I doubt it, and you applying your alleged empathy does not give you any automatic self righteousness in a discussion !


"All these people" haven't waited until there's a mass murder to make an issue of it.


It's always been an issue, and this mass murder reinforces that fact.

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Me being 'white and cosy in Sheffield' has nothing to do with this discussion, if the flag was such an issue why have all these people waited until there is mass murder to make an issue of it, many of those people making that issue are white and cosy I believe, does this make things better, will it stop hate/race crime /terrorism ? ....... I doubt it, and you applying your alleged empathy does not give you any automatic self righteousness in a discussion !


If you had read my prior posts, I submitted that many Whites will be appalled at the killing and appalled at the flag. You on the other hand trivialized the victims as "people"..which is VERY handy when you want to avoid the term 'Black'. It was a racist hate crime by a racist who showed nothing but reverence for a symbol of hate and racism. Looking at your apologetic post history on all matters bigotry, you're wrong, concerning you, my 'self righteousness is automatic.


Some have argued it will only increase tension and violence by those not able to buy their car sticker.:roll: Yep, let's shoot up a Black neighborhood and its citizens because a symbol of hate isn't available from Walmart. That's the mentality of Redneck logic.

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