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National pride, or shame?

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I have no doubt you're right. One wonders why though that all those signs saying "Whites only" were torn down..if a bigot wants to abuse he'll just find another avenue. The point with Sears and Walmart is they did it through choice rather than imposition. I'm sure all those stores are removing items they don't stock simply because you haven't seen any. Maybe it's all under the counter ;)..ask next time you ask for "Kiss my Whip". :hihi:


I suggest before you go any further in this discussion you start doing some research into the history of the civil rights struggle which reached it's peak in the first half of the 1960s and the events which followed later


Although there are probably a few nuts like Roof still out there the south is nothing anywhere near what it was like in the days of "In the heat of the night" Try getting your "knowledge" from a more reliable source :D Charleston today is a city where blacks and whites live in peace and harmony together. It's because of the racial harmony that exists which triggered off Roof's anger and hatred.


I would also suggest you start looking into what could start to happen in the UK and Europe in the next decade. The rise of right and far right political parties and sympathies is a sign that non-white immigrants of a different culture and religion will be made increasingly unwelcome and this attitude will only continue to grow and the power of the parties who are ant-immigrant along with it. Already racial tensions are very much in evidence


F.Y.I Australia has set up an island immigrant camp for asylum seekers and boat people and made it clear that such people can expect to be detained there for years to come

Edited by Harleyman
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I suggest before you go any further in this discussion you start doing some research into the history of the civil rights struggle which reached it's peak in the first half of the 1960s and the events which followed later


Although there are probably a few nuts like Roof still out there the south is nothing anywhere near what it was like in the days of "In the heat of the night" Try getting your "knowledge" from a more reliable source :D Charleston today is a city where blacks and whites live in peace and harmony together. It's because of the racial harmony that exists which triggered off Roof's anger and hatred.


I would also suggest you start looking into what could start to happen in the UK and Europe in the next decade. The rise of right and far right political parties and sympathies is a sign that non-white immigrants of a different culture and religion will be made increasingly unwelcome and this attitude will only continue to grow and the power of the parties who are ant-immigrant along with it. Already racial tensions are very much in evidence


F.Y.I Australia has set up an island immigrant camp for asylum seekers and boat people and made it clear that such people can expect to be detained there for years to come


Christ, you get on a boat and all of a sudden you're MLK's right hand man. You say "struggle" as though you were a part and had a hand in it, more likely the cause of it. It's almost deserving of one of your own smiley's...if it was funny.


'The president is Black' cry the bigots, no more colour signs in waiting rooms or buses, no more black military units...what more do you want!!?


Charleston?..is that the Charleston you brought to our attention in another thread? The Charleston that has no tourist transport running in and out of because it's a bit of a dump, which btw was a load of old codswallop, and proven so, or was that another city?:roll: that overnight beacon of hope where racism and bigotry has vaporized over a couple of weeks with peace and harmony? . Yes..racial hatred in the good ol US ov A is well and truly dead and buried...bit like your head up the area the sun don't shine. Remove it and open your eyes fella..racism and bigotry is having a renaissance, and you're part of the prob.

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Christ, you get on a boat and all of a sudden you're MLK's right hand man. You say "struggle" as though you were a part and had a hand in it, more likely the cause of it. It's almost deserving of one of your own smiley's...if it was funny.


'The president is Black' cry the bigots, no more colour signs in waiting rooms or buses, no more black military units...what more do you want!!?


Charleston?..is that the Charleston you brought to our attention in another thread? The Charleston that has no tourist transport running in and out of because it's a bit of a dump, which btw was a load of old codswallop, and proven so, or was that another city?:roll: that overnight beacon of hope where racism and bigotry has vaporized over a couple of weeks with peace and harmony? . Yes..racial hatred in the good ol US ov A is well and truly dead and buried...bit like your head up the area the sun don't shine. Remove it and open your eyes fella..racism and bigotry is having a renaissance, and you're part of the prob.


Doesn't take much to get you frothing at the mouth and your drawers in a twist. What a load of garbage. :hihi:


All you've done is make yourself look like an ignoramus and an idiot


Even the thread title is idiotic. Know what the word national means? It means common to or across the nation, shared by all the people in that nation. When did the Confederate flag become a national symbol (duh) ?


Now go and sulk in your own middle eastern/Asian bigotry

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If you had read my prior posts, I submitted that many Whites will be appalled at the killing and appalled at the flag. You on the other hand trivialized the victims as "people"..which is VERY handy when you want to avoid the term 'Black'. It was a racist hate crime by a racist who showed nothing but reverence for a symbol of hate and racism. Looking at your apologetic post history on all matters bigotry, you're wrong, concerning you, my 'self righteousness is automatic.


Some have argued it will only increase tension and violence by those not able to buy their car sticker.:roll: Yep, let's shoot up a Black neighborhood and its citizens because a symbol of hate isn't available from Walmart. That's the mentality of Redneck logic.


I don't see things as black and white like you oh self righteous one, I see all the different shades of grey, you sound like a brainwashed socialist and one that has probably been on this forum before with another persona.

Keep spewing your moral outrage fella, just like removing a flag your words won't make one ounce of difference to the fanatical haters of this world, who happen to come in all creeds, colours and religions !

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Doesn't take much to get you frothing at the mouth and your drawers in a twist. What a load of garbage. :hihi:


All you've done is make yourself look like an ignoramus and an idiot


Even the thread title is idiotic. Know what the word national means? It means common to or across the nation, shared by all the people in that nation. When did the Confederate flag become a national symbol (duh) ?


Now go and sulk in your own middle eastern/Asian bigotry


The National Front here don't represent all of the people but never the less they are nationalists, in the South there is still a deeply ingrained sense of nationalism based on racism and bigotry and that also applies to the North. And I never said the flag was a national symbol, I said it was a symbol of hate. But, if it appeases your fragile sense of torment over the context then we'll use "Southern national pride".:roll:


Not one point I made in reply to your lies have you answered other than to deflect from your previous inaccuracies and lies with waffle. Read your previous posts before mumbling inconsistencies with new ones..You being an obvious bigot I guess "shame" doesn't exist in your vocabulary. You think because a Black guy wears a suit and has a job racism magically doesn't exist..you're a blind dull and obnoxious man.


The confederacy was pro ownership of fellow human beings, should the confederacy have won you could have had you own personal Kunta Kinte to clean your pool and polish you golf clubs.


"go sulk in your own middle Eastern bigotry"???

Yep, you really have lost it, haven't a clue what your babbling about, but because of your age I'm prepared to overlook and empathise with your ailing and fragile mentality. I do however equally empathise with the poor sod who attempts to change your "dyper". (sic) and mop up after you.

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The National Front here don't represent all of the people but never the less they are nationalists, in the South there is still a deeply ingrained sense of nationalism based on racism and bigotry and that also applies to the North. And I never said the flag was a national symbol, I said it was a symbol of hate. But, if it appeases your fragile sense of torment over the context then we'll use "Southern national pride".:roll:


Not one point I made in reply to your lies have you answered other than to deflect from your previous inaccuracies and lies with waffle. Read your previous posts before mumbling inconsistencies with new ones..You being an obvious bigot I guess "shame" doesn't exist in your vocabulary. You think because a Black guy wears a suit and has a job racism magically doesn't exist..you're a blind dull and obnoxious man.


The confederacy was pro ownership of fellow human beings, should the confederacy have won you could have had you own personal Kunta Kinte to clean your pool and polish you golf clubs.


"go sulk in your own middle Eastern bigotry"???

Yep, you really have lost it, haven't a clue what your babbling about, but because of your age I'm prepared to overlook and empathise with your ailing and fragile mentality. I do however equally empathise with the poor sod who attempts to change your "dyper". (sic) and mop up after you.


I'll bet you've never been to the US never mind the southern part. All your opinions come from certain middle east anti-American propaganda rubbish.


In a way your mentality isn't far from that of a southern racist redneck. You see or read something about America and right away those little cog wheels of negativity start turning in your brain washed head just as a bigot reacts on seeing a black person. You're two of a kind.


There are dozens of others like you on SF... a dime a dozen. You shouldn't know anything about my age either unless, as I suspect you've recycled yourself back on the forum and under another user name spouted the same "OOh isn't America awful" crap


I've wasted enough time on you. Wander off and bore someone else to death

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It's got nothing to do with us. Let the yanks sort it out amongst themselves.
Thank you for those words.It does not bother me because I live in the North. I work at times in the South, and find we're not too welcome there always, but the flag is just something they hold dear to remember the fight they put up in the civil war, and not particularly racist.


---------- Post added 25-06-2015 at 23:46 ----------


It doesn't matter a hoot if Sears or Walmart remove anything with a Confederate flag shown on it. People who want them will find them at a thousand other smaller stores. It will also create resentment and even more divisiveness. An attitude of "F.U I'll buy the stuff somewhere else" will just result and it certainly will not do anything to change the mentality of the bigots.




Incidentally in all the years I've shopped in both stores I've yet to see such merchandise

Everybody shops at Walmart, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Muslim whatever. You see no signs which you could call racist and it's workforce reflects the mix too. The only thing I go into Sears for is work tools. Edited by buck
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Thank you for those words.It does not bother me because I live in the North. I work at times in the South, and find we're not too welcome there always, but the flag is just something they hold dear to remember the fight they put up in the civil war, and not particularly racist.


---------- Post added 25-06-2015 at 23:46 ----------


Everybody shops at Walmart, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Muslim whatever. You see no signs which you could call racist and it's workforce reflects the mix too. The only thing I go into Sears for is work tools.



We went on a AAA group tour of Tennessee, Mississippi and Louisiana two years ago. None of us, and there were Aussies, South Africans, Brits as well as Americans in the group experienced any sign of hostility from either black or white southerners and in fact the people we came across in Tennessee were downright friendly, Never saw a Confederate flag anywhere either. The town of Natchez, Mississippi was a hotbed of KKK activity back in the 1960s which is hard to imagine when you see the town today. Blacks and whites dine in the same restaurants, drink in the same bars. The generation that fomented racism 50 years ago are either dead or very old.


There's probably less racial tensions in the old south among the young generation of today than in other parts of the US. I know the folks in Wyoming and Montana don't like blacks very much but then again you never see any in those parts.


I've always used Sears Craftsman tools. If one breaks they'll replace it free of charge if you bring it back to the store. I swear by Sears Die Hard batteries, used them in cars and trucks for many years

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