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Disabled try to storm parliament.

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A number of disabled people, many of them in wheelchairs, have tried to storm the parliamentary chamber during prime minister's question time. They very nearly made it, but were stopped just in time. They are demonstrating against plans to cut disabled benefits.


Now what sort of government tries to take money off the poorest and most vulnerable in society?

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I don't think anyone will be surprised that the Tories plan to cut welfare by slashing the benefits of the poorest in society. It's not just the disabled as Ian Duncan Smith and Chancellor George Osborne have reached an agreement that will include cuts to Working Tax Credit.


As Harriet Harman rightly acknowledged in Prime Ministers Questions today - The poorest working people wont get a 25% increase in the minimum wage to make up the difference.


The disabled have already been hit and are most likely going to be again. They've been hit with increasingly impossible criteria that means they lose their entitlements to benefits like Personal Independence Payment (PIP) and Employment & Support Allowance (ESA) and have to face months waiting for their appeals to be heard. A significant proportion of appeals are won.


They are now certainly going to face cuts to the personal allowance element or even more stringent criteria.


Then the Tories will move on to some other group they don't like................?

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Well it does beg the question don't you think?


Perhaps if REMPLOY was still making a positive contribution,then perhaps you may have a point . Sadly ,I am not aware of companies like REMPLOY being readily available to give disabled a sense of worth and purpose

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