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Disabled try to storm parliament.

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No, you mean one that was voted in by a system you supported until it gave you a result you didn't like. Now you want to move the goal posts.


Get over it. The Torys won. Whining is never going to change that fact.


So if the act of voting supports a system, better to not vote at all? Careful... you'll be agreeing with Russell Brand before you know it....


---------- Post added 24-06-2015 at 17:41 ----------


Still sore about losing the election? You know there was never these complaints from the right when Labour won....


You lost. Move on. You get another go in just under five years.


---------- Post added 24-06-2015 at 17:12 ----------



Er really?


I've got one guy here in a wheelchair. All I had to do was provide him with a safe refuge and a radio in case of a fire.


Thats it.


I appreciate it may be tricker in more dangerous places than an office, and you could get the "vocal" complaining people like you could the able bodied, but I've never found it a problem. Which begs the question of course as to why others seem to find it a problem.


I'm glad the arrangement has worked out for the both of you in your case, but there are umpteen types of disablement all with their own special situations and requirements. Legislation cannot cover every eventuality which is why it gets more and more complicated. That's why others may find it more of a problem.

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From the BBC website


Prime Minister's Questions carried on inside the chamber, and Commons officials told broadcasters not to film the protest, which continued outside in Westminster's central lobby.


So, state sponsored censoring. Why are they afaid of the truth?


It doesn't seem to have done much good. The Beeb interrupted showing Prime Minister's Questions to cover the protest in the lobby - the BBC political editor Norman Smith interviewed one of the protesters as it was happening. There was footage of the protest broadcast on the 6 o'clock news as well.

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No, you mean one that was voted in by a system you supported until it gave you a result you didn't like. Now you want to move the goal posts.


Get over it. The Torys won. Whining is never going to change that fact.


We don't have an elective dictatorship in this country. Protest is a vital part of our democracy. Especially if her majesty's opposition won't take up the cause of issues like PIP & disabled benefitsfor fear of being seen by the press as 'anti aspiration'.


They are just bad losers. People are sick of others swinging the lead while they work. Nobody should be better rewarded for being disabled than others are for working a full time job. There should be benefits for those that absolutely need there but they should be reasonable and they should come with strict responsibilites for those that claim them.


What about the responsibilities of the state, and the agencies that employ them, not to cause undue suffering and hardship to the disabled, or their loved ones?


I wonder if David Cameron will articulate the needs and fears of the disabled as he did during the 2010 & 2015 general elections, when he spoke about his disabled son?

Edited by Mister M
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The disabled are protesting about the withdrawal of 'Independent Living Allowance' which actually helps them maintain their independence in their own homes and the possibility of working, so withdrawing it seems counter productive.


This will probably end up costing more in the long run, never mind the individual's loss of independence and the satisfaction it brings. But then they've got to fill up these ultra expensive care homes one way or another...

Edited by Anna B
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They're fit enough to storm parliament but too disabled to work a non physical job.


I watched the news and the "stormers" seemed disabled to me, and incapable of work - of any description. Time this once Great Country got it's act together, it's on a very slippy slope, and it's starting to let go of the rope.



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No, you mean one that was voted in by a system you supported until it gave you a result you didn't like. Now you want to move the goal posts.


Get over it. The Torys won. Whining is never going to change that fact.


I supported??? Really, do you actually KNOW me?? Obviously NOT. I have NEVER supported such an unfair system even when it was just a 2 party system and I was even less in support of it when a third party started to appear.


Dont start trying to feel good about yourself by trying to belittle me, all it does is belittle YOU and make you come across as petty and childish


To think that any system where the winner only gets a third of the vote is democratic is demeaning democracy. It was NOT democratic, so to quote you, get over it.

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The trouble is that there are too many people on the sick claiming benefits to which they should not be entitled. I have seen people working in manual labour, losing their job then feigning a limp/bad back/ etc etc and claiming benefits earning more money than they were employed on. This needs to stop. It is unsustainable and divisive.


I feel sorry for those genuinely disabled people who have to prove how disabled they are because of these liars and charlatans.

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Still sore about losing the election? You know there was never these complaints from the right when Labour won....


You lost. Move on. You get another go in just under five years..


Ahh another one who thinks they know me!!! How do you know how I reacted 10 years ago?


I DID complain about the undemocratic system then but how would YOU know??


Im glad you feel happy about winning an undemocratic election. I hope for your sake that you will STILL be happy about it in 5 years, but unlike YOU I will not pretend to think for you!! I sincerely hope that the country wont be regretting this result in 5 years and I know that the election will still be undemocratic :(


---------- Post added 24-06-2015 at 20:05 ----------


It doesn't seem to have done much good. The Beeb interrupted showing Prime Minister's Questions to cover the protest in the lobby - the BBC political editor Norman Smith interviewed one of the protesters as it was happening. There was footage of the protest broadcast on the 6 o'clock news as well.


That at least is good news

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The trouble is that there are too many people on the sick claiming benefits to which they should not be entitled. I have seen people working in manual labour, losing their job then feigning a limp/bad back/ etc etc and claiming benefits earning more money than they were employed on. This needs to stop. It is unsustainable and divisive.


I feel sorry for those genuinely disabled people who have to prove how disabled they are because of these liars and charlatans.


Prove that 'there are too many people on the sick' and how can it be 'stopped'?

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Prove that 'there are too many people on the sick' and how can it be 'stopped'?


I cannot prove it - but there are. I meet people who are on the sick who are quite able to work, but are able to claim, so don't. I have sacked someone who ended up on the sick shortly thereafter. It is from personal experience.


I think the tests people have to go through are a necessary "evil" to try to weedle out the malingerers.

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