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Disabled try to storm parliament.

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No the disabled are suffering because of the harsh implementation of government policy - nothing to do with those who are trying to fiddle the system.

Cameron said he wouldn't balance the budget on the backs of the poorest. He is doing.

Government policy was put in place as a sledgehammer response to malingerers and chancers encouraged by a benefit system that had run amok. Yes the implementation is wrong but you can't absolve the fiddlers of complicity in the difficulties that genuine claimants are now facing.
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They are only finding it difficult because they've had it good for so long. The amount we are paying in benefits is finite. There is something ridiculous about a system where people say they've "failed a medical" meaning they have been declared fit for work. It most countries people want to work. In this country people used to want to work. The Jarrow march is something that those on the left talk about a lot, but those people marched for jobs, they weren't marching for benefits.

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Government policy was put in place as a sledgehammer response to malingerers and chancers encouraged by a benefit system that had run amok. Yes the implementation is wrong but you can't absolve the fiddlers of complicity in the difficulties that genuine claimants are now facing.


The number of people 'on the fiddle' was tiny, but made to look much much worse by the constant media focus on those people rather than the genuine ones. You only have to look at the plethora of cleverly edited 'documentaries' on TV. In fact there were more people not claiming benefits, who could have, but didn't.


This was all quite deliberate, to harden people's attitude against 'scroungers' to the point where every single claimant was suspect.


The tragedy is that many disabled people like to concentrate on what they can do, rather than what they can't, and are justifiably proud of overcoming obstacles. It's this attitude that often keeps them going - but they aren't superman. Yet this optimistic 'confidence' has been turned against them and used to withdraw help. They now have to constantly focus on what they can't do in order to get assistance. Have you any idea the impact this has on their mental well being?

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I along with lots of people have always known people that were exaggerating in order to claim disability benefits. People act like the resentment about it is a new thing, since the Tories got in. It's always been there. It's just that now there is a government in power that's prepared to do something about it. And they do this with the full support of the vast majority of working, tax-paying citizens of this country.

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They are only finding it difficult because they've had it good for so long. The amount we are paying in benefits is finite. There is something ridiculous about a system where people say they've "failed a medical" meaning they have been declared fit for work. It most countries people want to work. In this country people used to want to work. The Jarrow march is something that those on the left talk about a lot, but those people marched for jobs, they weren't marching for benefits.


I agree - money is finite.

But if we can find enough for a 10% pay rise for already rich MPs, not to mention £7 billion to do up the houses of Parliament and a £150 million paint job for Queenie, (and various tax cuts for corporations,) I think we should find a few quid for people who are the poorest and most needy in our society...

Edited by Anna B
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I agree - money is finite.

But if we can find enough for a 10% pay rise for already rich MPs, not to mention £7 billion to do up the houses of Parliament and a £150 million paint job for Queenie, (and various tax cuts for corporations,) I think we should find a few quid for people who are the poorest and most needy in our society...

MPs do a hard job that they are probably underpaid for. 10% pay rise for 650 people is a drop in the ocean compared to the amount we spend on benefits. Agree about the Houses of Parliament improvements, Parliament should be moved into a more modern building outside London. Do not agree with the painting of Buckingham Palace, it isn't that much in the grand scheme of things and the Palace serves a public good, as do the Royal Family.

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The trouble is that there are too many people on the sick claiming benefits to which they should not be entitled.


There aren't, there isn't enough. The take of of benefits is much lower than it should be. Our society is more than capable of looking after the poorest, the sick etc.



I have seen people working in manual labour, losing their job then feigning a limp/bad back/ etc etc and claiming benefits earning more money than they were employed on. This needs to stop. It is unsustainable and divisive.


I feel sorry for those genuinely disabled people who have to prove how disabled they are because of these liars and charlatans.


Get fighting for better wages then for crying out loud. Then nobody would have incentive to exaggerate or invent a condition for a pay rise, even though very very few do.

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A tory one that was undemocratically voted in


Isn't "undemocratically voted in" a contradiction in terms?


The party that won got the most votes and the largest percentage share of the vote. Now, maybe I'm wrong here but that does kind of *sound* like democracy.

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Please note


There is a thread in the 'Disability and carers' section of SF 'Special Interest Groups,' entitled 'Open meeting on the crisis in social care in Sheffield' advertising a meeting on 9th July, 2.0 till 4.0pm at The Old Junior School, South View Road, Sheffield, S7 1DB to discuss the care crisis in Sheffield, - and trust me - it really is a crisis: a life and death crisis in some cases.


It sounds like a very important meeting. They're hoping to attract some politicians and councilors along. I'm hoping they'll put the thread on this section of SF too.


Even if you can't get to the meeting, I suggest you at least read the full thread to get an idea of what these people are up against. It really is a total disgrace, and don't forget - you never know when you too might need help.

Edited by Anna B
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