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Julie Briggs sheffield

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good evening all, iam looking for a old friend Julie {married name} briggs Julie as a daughter Bethany, son David Julie would be about 5ft had dyed blonde hair, and drove a black T reg VW golf her husband is called Andrew briggs please email me if you know Julie thank you for reading my post

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I know of a fellow builder married to Julie but he is called Mick. Two children but the son's name is different, I don't know the daughters. As I remember she was a natural blonde.


There is of another one married to a Russell who was as I recall in the car body business. I seem to remember he came from the Woodseats area. They did have children I beleive but no idea how many. I think she at one time worked at Meadowhall in security but I could be talking about 2000ish. I cannot remember her ever being blonde but I think I only met her twice. Been years. No idea where they are now.

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