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Netto £2 chickens

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I got a mailshot from Netto today trumpeting their £2 chickens.


Does this make you want to go to Netto and grab a bargain or does it make you a little sad?


Putting to one side for a moment the issue of animal welfare, battery farming and disease, is it even a bargain?


Looking at the small chicken on the mailshot I'd be hard pressed to make one meal out of it. It could possibly feed two at a pinch with plenty of veg but the legs are so small they could double as toothpicks.


You'd be better off eating a nice bit of free range pigeon and they are free.

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You'd be better off eating a nice bit of free range pigeon and they are free.


Agreed, but make sure it really is free range (ie, from the countryside) and not the tatty city variety, that lives off the vomit of drunks.


Has anyone tried squirrel?


Yep, tastes like... chicken!


Good to know :D

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More and more meat we eat is Halal. Its becoming the default food. Where this leaves Jews and Hindus I don't know, but I don't suppose they matter in this increasingly Islamified country. :(


I don't see how Jews would be any more disadvantaged by Halal meat than they would have been by non-Halal meat, previously.


(Assuming that there is a hidden switch over to Halal that some appear to fear).

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Agreed, but make sure it really is free range (ie, from the countryside) and not the tatty city variety, that lives off the vomit of drunks.



With my luck I would end up catching, killing and eating a tatty city variety on a visit to the countryside. :gag:

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More and more meat we eat is Halal. Its becoming the default food.


I've seen a big Halal line open in Morissons, quite frankly the meat looks rank :gag::gag:


At the one I've seen it at, you can always be sure the Halal section is stuffed when all the other ones are empty :hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:


---------- Post added 25-06-2015 at 10:47 ----------


But I thought Jews and Moslems both ate only animals that were slaughtered by the same method. Couldn't Jews and Moslems therefore eat the same meat?


Don't they also offer a prayer to the meat or something after it's been slaughtered??


I'm not sure a Muslim would be happy eating his chicken if he knew it was tainted with Jewish prayers.

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