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MML electrification "paused"

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"... Anybody who goes today to Sheffield’s Victoria station will see a station that has been rebuilt as a result of this Government’s investment."


Secretary of State for Transport Patrick McLoughlin told the House of Commons


I found that hard to believe when I saw it, but it's there in Hansard, 25 Jun 2015 : Column 1076. Probably just a Fruedian slip, but rebuilt is a bit strong for even Sheffield Midland. Refurbished and improved I'd probably go along with.


<"Mr McLoughlin: I have just confirmed to many of my hon. Friends that the Market Harborough work will go on. I find it a little hard to take from Opposition Members that we have done nothing for the northern powerhouse. Labour did nothing in 2004 when it let the previous franchise to Northern Rail on a zero-growth plan. That was its ambition in 2004 for the north: zero. We have a great ambition for the north and there will be improvements, as we see the roll-out of the electric services that I referred to in my statement. Anybody who goes today to Sheffield’s Victoria station will see a station that has been rebuilt as a result of this Government’s investment.>

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I found that hard to believe when I saw it, but it's there in Hansard, 25 Jun 2015 : Column 1076. Probably just a Fruedian slip, but rebuilt is a bit strong for even Sheffield Midland. Refurbished and improved I'd probably go along with.


He confused Sheffield Victoria with Manchester Victoria which is currently in the latter stages of a major rebuild.

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I found that hard to believe when I saw it, but it's there in Hansard, 25 Jun 2015 : Column 1076. Probably just a Fruedian slip, but rebuilt is a bit strong for even Sheffield Midland. Refurbished and improved I'd probably go along with.


<"Mr McLoughlin: I have just confirmed to many of my hon. Friends that the Market Harborough work will go on. I find it a little hard to take from Opposition Members that we have done nothing for the northern powerhouse. Labour did nothing in 2004 when it let the previous franchise to Northern Rail on a zero-growth plan. That was its ambition in 2004 for the north: zero. We have a great ambition for the north and there will be improvements, as we see the roll-out of the electric services that I referred to in my statement. Anybody who goes today to Sheffield’s Victoria station will see a station that has been rebuilt as a result of this Government’s investment.>

I found it hard to believe also so looked it up, it was in reply to a question from Paul Blomfield (Sheffield Central) (Lab). Surprisingly Paul Blomfield never questioned the answer.

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I found it hard to believe also so looked it up, it was in reply to a question from Paul Blomfield (Sheffield Central) (Lab). Surprisingly Paul Blomfield never questioned the answer.


There are two possibilities that spring to mind here;


1) He wasn't allowed to reply as questions to ministers are usually a single question.

2) The confused answer from the transport minister is a perfect example of incompetence that Bloomfield and other members of the opposition or those MPs with rail interests will welcome as ammunition for calling into question the suitability of the minister at a later session.

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...Surprisingly Paul Blomfield never questioned the answer.



July 29th

...I challenged the Transport Minister on how this decision squares with the Government’s grandstanding about creating a Northern Powerhouse, as you can see here. In his response, the Transport Secretary highlighted the Government’s investment in Sheffield Victoria Station – rather oddly, given it closed 45 years ago! I will continue to apply pressure on the Government to fulfil its promise on electrification and invest more in our northern cities.

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July 29th

...I challenged the Transport Minister on how this decision squares with the Government’s grandstanding about creating a Northern Powerhouse, as you can see here. In his response, the Transport Secretary highlighted the Government’s investment in Sheffield Victoria Station – rather oddly, given it closed 45 years ago! I will continue to apply pressure on the Government to fulfil its promise on electrification and invest more in our northern cities.


Sorry Annie Bynnol, I have read Hansard http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201516/cmhansrd/cm150625/debtext/150625-0002.htm#15062549000566

and can not find Paul Blomfield challenge the reply in the house, he may have in his newsletter.

Clive Betts also asked a question before Paul Blomfield "Mr Clive Betts (Sheffield South East) (Lab): There will be a great deal of anger in Sheffield today about the decision on the midland main line, especially among businesses. There will also be some cynicism about the fact that the electrification which was on track before 7 May has been abandoned so soon after that date. Will the Secretary of State confirm that, contrary to what he has just said, Ministers gave clear commitments—both in the House and in writing—that it would be completed by 2020? He has reneged on those commitments today, and he really has no idea when, or if, electrification will actually take place."

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