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The Telegraph .. the BBC .. etc etc

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Maybe. But right wingers generally don't obsess over politics like lefties do.


Wrong. Right wingers obsess over politics at least as much as lefties do. And often they obsess over more important political things then lefties to boot.


---------- Post added 26-06-2015 at 14:27 ----------


That's only because their side won the election.


Also quite wrong. I don't for 1 minute think right wingers are that complacent. Even if I don't agree with them.

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Didn't see that many right-wing protests when Labour was in power. The Countryside Alliance had a few but that was more a single issue one with the hunting ban, rather than protesting against Labour in general.


Most righties have jobs to go to and lives to live.

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Maybe. But right wingers generally don't obsess over politics like lefties do.


That's because they don't need to think about it as much. It's a gut reaction.

It's human nature to look after number 1. Survival of the fittest and the weak go to the wall. Never give a loser a chance. What's best for me.


The lefties consider things and come up with a humane, sympathetic and co-operative solutions. They have a constant battle with human weakness from within and without. But it is worth it for everyone to be better, even each individual, but not as much as if you disregard everyone else.


It an intellectual response not a base instinct.


. . . .stands back pulls bunker lid closed.

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That's because they don't need to think about it as much. It's a gut reaction.

It's human nature to look after number 1. Survival of the fittest and the weak go to the wall. Never give a loser a chance. What's best for me.


The lefties consider things and come up with a humane, sympathetic and co-operative solutions. They have a constant battle with human weakness from within and without. But it is worth it for everyone to be better, even each individual, but not as much as if you disregard everyone else.


It an intellectual response not a base instinct.


. . . .stands back pulls bunker lid closed.


Just like Uncle Joe you mean?

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BBC - middle class lefties. Look how often Guardian writers appear on the BBC, compared to how tiny the circulation of the paper is. And look at what newspaper the BBC buys most of, again compare with the sales figure for the population as a whole and see how out of touch they are.


I wonder if it was the BBC lefties that made the decision at the height of the Miner's Strike to edit footage to show striking mineworkers charging at police, when in reality at the battle of Orgreave it was the other way round.


---------- Post added 26-06-2015 at 14:57 ----------


I have a lot to say about those 2 animals .., but knowing some members of Sheffield Forum I suspect the discussion would soon get derailed and enter personal, immature and baseless accusations


But I am starting with a number of general observations

- the UK media is very powerful and influential

- because they are powerful they know and they do get away with almost anything, literally, and their misbehaviour would have virtually no impact on the health of their organisation/ business … so I do not expect any improvement because there is no force pushing towards it


May I therefore start by asking:

If you were a serious and neutral reader, if you were someone who seeks knowledge and news that you can rely on,

What are the facts that describe the policy of

* The Telegraph

* the BBC

* the Guardian


I respect your opinion and your choice but before that I really like to know the facts

Many thanks


Though when asked about their power & influence, many people in the media, particularly those higher up the food chain become very bashful about their supposed influence, especially on the electorate.

On this subject, they write things in their papers "how patronising to the electorate to think that our newspapers influence the way people think or vote". Yet you can come onto Sheffield Forum a few days later, and someone will say "It's very patronising to think that people are influenced by the press" :roll:

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BBC - middle class lefties. Look how often Guardian writers appear on the BBC, compared to how tiny the circulation of the paper is. And look at what newspaper the BBC buys most of, again compare with the sales figure for the population as a whole and see how out of touch they are.


Next time somebody says, "penny for your thoughts" my advice is SELL!

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