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Terrorist attacks in Tunisia & Kuwait. "At least" 27 and 10 dead.

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well Tunisia as decided to get its arse off the fence and at least appear to be doing something /

Tunisia plans within a week to close down 80 mosques that remain outside state control for inciting violence, as a countermeasure after the hotel attack that killed 39 people, Prime Minister Habib Essid said on Friday.


Untill we can get some European politicians that have the balls to admit that this problem is Islamic, not just ‘terrorist’, we will be going nowhere and the attacks will get worse, more frequent and closer to home. Maybe now that some ‘precious’ British blood has been spilt people in the UK will start to wake up and realize that their leaders are lying to them. This does have ‘something to do with Islam’, it has ‘everything to do with Islam’.

The only reason the politicians will not admit it is they have no idea how they will cope with the repercussions of such an admission.

Edited by johncocker
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well Tunisia as decided to get its arse off the fence and at least appear to be doing something /

Tunisia plans within a week to close down 80 mosques that remain outside state control for inciting violence, as a countermeasure after the hotel attack that killed 39 people, Prime Minister Habib Essid said on Friday.


Untill we can get some European politicians that have the balls to admit that this problem is Islamic, not just ‘terrorist’, we will be going nowhere and the attacks will get worse, more frequent and closer to home. Maybe now that some ‘precious’ British blood has been spilt people in the UK will start to wake up and realize that their leaders are lying to them. This does have ‘something to do with Islam’, it has ‘everything to do with Islam’.

The only reason the politicians will not admit it is they have no idea how they will cope with the repercussions of such an admission.


Yep, that's what they said after the last atrocity/s. Don't hold your breath.

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Islam in the UK is by the by.


The latest atrocities happened abroad and even if Islam had no foothold in the UK that would still happen. Ultimately in the extreme form of Islam everyone is fair game. It hates non-Muslims (and Muslims as well) and will always be manipulated to make pretty much anyone "the enemy".


The only long term solution is education and world wide dilution and ultimately extinction of all religion.


Humans will always find reasons to kill each but doing it for a blood thirsty sky God is absolutely ridiculous.

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Yep, that's what they said after the last atrocity/s. Don't hold your breath.


the attack at the Tunis museum a few months back,was a strategic campaign to kill Tunisia's tourism sector,(( This looks like the work of the Baathist intelligence workers who have formulated ISIS' strategy for the past few years))) deprive the country of much needed income, and boost unemployment - in other words, to destabilize the country and create the right circumstances for an Islamist takeover.

Tunisia's as very little infrastructure. The only thing it has going for it is tourism and even now, its on its last legs. This'll be the final nail in the coffin and Tunisia could well end up in a civil war....very sad when you think this is where the "arab spring" began.

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the attack at the Tunis museum a few months back,was a strategic campaign to kill Tunisia's tourism sector,(( This looks like the work of the Baathist intelligence workers who have formulated ISIS' strategy for the past few years))) deprive the country of much needed income, and boost unemployment - in other words, to destabilize the country and create the right circumstances for an Islamist takeover.

Tunisia's as very little infrastructure. The only thing it has going for it is tourism and even now, its on its last legs. This'll be the final nail in the coffin and Tunisia could well end up in a civil war....very sad when you think this is where the "arab spring" began.


Occasionally I have to take my hat off to your contributions jc, well said.

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No it doesn't.

The evidence of recent events is very much against that.

It does however indicate that a large number of British Muslims are not fully integrated into our society and are dis-inclined to fight for it even when they are inclined to fight for a cause.


Define large number in relation to the numbers of Muslim youth. I would say most Muslims are integrated..ok, maybe they don't do bingo, Karaoke, are very family orientated and attain certain cultural and religious teachings and live quite homogeneously...but we all do that when living in an environment seen as foreign. Brits are especially inclined to this reasoning when living abroad and the indigenous don't seem to soil themselves over it.



Perhaps it would be useful to discuss why that is. It seems to me it's likely to be one of 2 things.

1. We haven't made them feel welcome enough and allowed them to bond with our society enough to want to fight for it.

2. God is more important than country to them and when there's a conflict they choose God.

Discuss perhaps?


Your proposals seem bias. What about 3? The majority of Muslim youth have no interest, like that of non faith groups in the UK who don't wish to join the armed forces. Or even 4? God does play a part in the sense they do see Islam as a force for peace. Does one violent set or group define a group that wishes non violence, even if both groups follow but interpret differently?

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No it doesn't.

The evidence of recent events is very much against that.

It does however indicate that a large number of British Muslims are not fully integrated into our society and are dis-inclined to fight for it even when they are inclined to fight for a cause.

Perhaps it would be useful to discuss why that is. It seems to me it's likely to be one of 2 things.

1. We haven't made them feel welcome enough and allowed them to bond with our society enough to want to fight for it.

2. God is more important than country to them and when there's a conflict they choose God.

Discuss perhaps?


You slightly miss my point, I was simply pointing out that on the one hand the anti Muslims claim British Muslims are unpatriotic because they wont join the forces, yet to me it seems they're similarly disinclined towards the jihad cause too, given the numbers the poster I replied to quoted. (Ive no idea whether they're accurate or not).

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Humans will always find reasons to kill each but doing it for a blood thirsty sky God is absolutely ridiculous.


I'm inclined to think religion is only a superficial motivator of people...


More fundamental motivators are linked to our biology; our need to survive and thrive, to have control over our own destiny, control of the world's resources, to impose our values on others, and not being imposed upon by 'them'.


I think that's why we kill each other; we value having stuff, a hell of a lot more, than we value human life (which generally speaking, we don't value, at all).

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Define large number in relation to the numbers of Muslim youth. I would say most Muslims are integrated..ok, maybe they don't do bingo, Karaoke, are very family orientated and attain certain cultural and religious teachings and live quite homogeneously...but we all do that when living in an environment seen as foreign. Brits are especially inclined to this reasoning when living abroad and the indigenous don't seem to soil themselves over it.





Your proposals seem bias. What about 3? The majority of Muslim youth have no interest, like that of non faith groups in the UK who don't wish to join the armed forces. Or even 4? God does play a part in the sense they do see Islam as a force for peace. Does one violent set or group define a group that wishes non violence, even if both groups follow but interpret differently?

I find one of the things that you have said interesting,i have a piece of paper saying that I am baptised to the C of E church but I do not believe any of it or follow any of it ,I am a non believer.I suspect there are a lot of people in this country the same as me,it would be interesting to know how many people who are muslims but like me do not follow any of it and drink alcohol and eat pork and ignore Ramadan.I know a couple of lads who are muslim on paper but have nothing to do with the religion at all.I say this because I suspect that most of the general public believe that all muslims are very religious and I suspect that like the majority of Christians in this country that they aren't and only go to churches and mosques for funerals and weddings.

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the attack at the Tunis museum a few months back,was a strategic campaign to kill Tunisia's tourism sector,(( This looks like the work of the Baathist intelligence workers who have formulated ISIS' strategy for the past few years))) deprive the country of much needed income, and boost unemployment - in other words, to destabilize the country and create the right circumstances for an Islamist takeover.

Tunisia's as very little infrastructure. The only thing it has going for it is tourism and even now, its on its last legs. This'll be the final nail in the coffin and Tunisia could well end up in a civil war....very sad when you think this is where the "arab spring" began.


That's the point, and the aim. ISIS, Baathist..tamato tomato.


One man, 30od murdered, civil war. That's the fragility of secularism in that area. But, should it really go tits up you can bet your house Habib Essid will be on a plane heading for Mayfair or Knightsbridge.

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