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Terrorist attacks in Tunisia & Kuwait. "At least" 27 and 10 dead.

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I find one of the things that you have said interesting,i have a piece of paper saying that I am baptised to the C of E church but I do not believe any of it or follow any of it ,I am a non believer.I suspect there are a lot of people in this country the same as me,it would be interesting to know how many people who are muslims but like me do not follow any of it and drink alcohol and eat pork and ignore Ramadan.I know a couple of lads who are muslim on paper but have nothing to do with the religion at all.I say this because I suspect that most of the general public believe that all muslims are very religious and I suspect that like the majority of Christians in this country that they aren't and only go to churches and mosques for funerals and weddings.


Good point ghost rider, the Muslims I knew in my youth were pretty timid, god fearing types, the ones my children know are much like them, but have also taken on the negative aspects of western life too and they're struggling with their identity just as black kids did in the 60's and 70's.


I dont want to trivialize what the extremists do as just a phase, but hopefully their activities in 10 years will be as alien to us then as football hooliganism is now.

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Terrorist organizations are "Big business".

For instance, I've heard it said that the leaders of ISIS are extremely wealthy, and hope to be more so as they gain more power.


When I say leaders I'm referring to those who hide behind closed doors concealing their identities determined never to be caught.

Those who will never actively take part in any terrorist operations themselves (because they don't intend risking death ) but are the brains behind the cunning recruiting methods and destructive planning techniques.


They are state sponsored by Saudi Arabia and Qatar - They have spent billions promoting this 200 year old cult Wahhabi\Salafism. Without this money they would not exist. There are only two tiny countries in the world where Wahhabi Salafism is the state religion! The rest of islam billions of people are mainstream and do not follow Wahhabi\Salafism.


Saudi\Qatar focus like the west is regime change in the middle east and this is where now we have over a million dead and 60 million refuges.


Cameron like Obama,Holland and the rest are not going to do anything because they are all in bed with the wrong side i.e Terrorists All you going to get is media driven political theatre passing the buck onto a entity call religion.

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They are state sponsored by Saudi Arabia and Qatar - They have spent billions promoting this 200 year old cult Wahhabi\Salafism. Without this money they would not exist. There are only two tiny countries in the world where Wahhabi Salafism is the state religion! The rest of islam billions of people are mainstream and do not follow Wahhabi\Salafism.


Saudi\Qatar focus like the west is regime change in the middle east and this is where now we have over a million dead and 60 million refuges.


Cameron like Obama,Holland and the rest are not going to do anything because they are all in bed with the wrong side i.e Terrorists All you going to get is media driven political theatre passing the buck onto a entity call religion.


They are not state sponsored by Saudi. They are sponsored by private wealthy Saudi individuals. Big difference.

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Good point ghost rider, the Muslims I knew in my youth were pretty timid, god fearing types, the ones my children know are much like them, but have also taken on the negative aspects of western life too and they're struggling with their identity just as black kids did in the 60's and 70's.


I dont want to trivialize what the extremists do as just a phase, but hopefully their activities in 10 years will be as alien to us then as football hooliganism is now.

I think you are right,i have a friend who is a muslim but has I said earlier does not follow it.He had to go to a family funeral in Pakistan and hated it,he said it was totally alien to him and felt totally lost there and has he said "he could not wait to get back home and did not want to go there again.Any kids whatever their religion will when they are young do what all the other kids do.Hatred and bigotry is something that seems to happen when children reach adulthood.I am glad I still see myself as a grown up child.:hihi::hihi:.I hope that eventually,probably not in my lifetime that we will eventually all learn to live together and for everybody whatever their race,culture,religion to be able to live together.

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The Arab states we've sold weapons to should use them to combat ISIS instead of oppressing their populace. Otherwise we should stop trading with them
The Saudis are, and shedding blood on their border right this very moment. You should broaden your news sources.


Personally, I'd nuke Aleppo. Small-scale low-yield tactical nuke. And for every further attack like Sousse, nuke another ISIS-held city. Until they get the message. Or the whole place is turned into a glow-in-the-dark car park. They want to 'play' the nation state game - fine, we've finished taking a dump, time to get off the pot, and to business: that's how nation states under attack get down to it.


Worked for the US and Truman against an equally ideologically-motivated enemy in 1945. You can bill me for the collateral damage, and see how much I care. About as much as your average ISIS combatant. Their own fault, desensitising me with their 'life under ISIS' videos.

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The Saudis are, and shedding blood on their border right this very moment. You should broaden your news sources.


Personally, I'd nuke Aleppo. Small-scale low-yield tactical nuke. And for every further attack like Sousse, nuke another ISIS-held city. Until they get the message. Or the whole place is turned into a glow-in-the-dark car park. They want to 'play' the nation state game - fine, we've finished taking a dump, time to get off the pot, and to business: that's how nation states under attack get down to it.


Worked for the US and Truman against an equally ideologically-motivated enemy in 1945. You can bill me for the collateral damage, and see how much I care. About as much as your average ISIS combatant. Their own fault, desensitising me with their 'life under ISIS' videos.


You're thinking makes you just as bad as Isis if you think that nuking is the way to sort this problem.

There is no need to stoop to their level, we have the technology to take them out in targeted strikes.

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You're thinking makes you just as bad as Isis if you think that nuking is the way to sort this problem.

There is no need to stoop to their level, we have the technology to take them out in targeted strikes.


But the attacks can't be that targeted. They live within civilians without uniforms so civilians also get killed which drives hatred for the west further. We've two choices - let them get on with it or accept innocents will die.

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The Saudis are, and shedding blood on their border right this very moment. You should broaden your news sources.


Personally, I'd nuke Aleppo. Small-scale low-yield tactical nuke. And for every further attack like Sousse, nuke another ISIS-held city. Until they get the message. Or the whole place is turned into a glow-in-the-dark car park. They want to 'play' the nation state game - fine, we've finished taking a dump, time to get off the pot, and to business: that's how nation states under attack get down to it.


Worked for the US and Truman against an equally ideologically-motivated enemy in 1945. You can bill me for the collateral damage, and see how much I care. About as much as your average ISIS combatant. Their own fault, desensitising me with their 'life under ISIS' videos.


No, no, no Loob!!!!


Nuclear weapons? The first time one of those goes off in the region it really will escalate on all fronts, even here in the UK.


There are other ways but like you say any more of this and it might be time to formalise it into a conventional theatre of war to at least contain the borders of IS.

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But the attacks can't be that targeted. They live within civilians without uniforms so civilians also get killed which drives hatred for the west further. We've two choices - let them get on with it or accept innocents will die.


We don't like our innocents being killed so what gives us the right to go killing other innocents just because they are not ours?

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We don't like our innocents being killed so what gives us the right to go killing other innocents just because they are not ours?


So you're suggesting letting them get on with it. If you know of a way to stop Isis and only kill them and not civilians, patent it and sell it to Cameron.

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