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Terrorist attacks in Tunisia & Kuwait. "At least" 27 and 10 dead.

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I find one of the things that you have said interesting,i have a piece of paper saying that I am baptised to the C of E church but I do not believe any of it or follow any of it ,I am a non believer.I suspect there are a lot of people in this country the same as me,it would be interesting to know how many people who are muslims but like me do not follow any of it and drink alcohol and eat pork and ignore Ramadan.I know a couple of lads who are muslim on paper but have nothing to do with the religion at all.I say this because I suspect that most of the general public believe that all muslims are very religious and I suspect that like the majority of Christians in this country that they aren't and only go to churches and mosques for funerals and weddings.


Great post. This is kind of what I was driving at earlier. The idea that all young Muslims are prone to becoming extremists is just wrong. They're people like you and me and if we treat them any different then we will force more down the wrong route. This is what ISIS want. They want the west to and the people in the west to turn against Muslims.


Sad, but all the people blindly raging against Muslims without trying to understand any of the nuances of what is happening are ultimately helping ISIS.

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I find one of the things that you have said interesting,i have a piece of paper saying that I am baptised to the C of E church but I do not believe any of it or follow any of it ,I am a non believer.I suspect there are a lot of people in this country the same as me,it would be interesting to know how many people who are muslims but like me do not follow any of it and drink alcohol and eat pork and ignore Ramadan.I know a couple of lads who are muslim on paper but have nothing to do with the religion at all.I say this because I suspect that most of the general public believe that all muslims are very religious and I suspect that like the majority of Christians in this country that they aren't and only go to churches and mosques for funerals and weddings.


A bit of paper does not make you a Christian or a Muslim, Christians follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, if you do not then you are not a Christian.

Muslims submit to the will of God which was relieved to Mohammad and written in the Koran, if you do not then you are not a Muslim.

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Great post. This is kind of what I was driving at earlier. The idea that all young Muslims are prone to becoming extremists is just wrong. They're people like you and me and if we treat them any different then we will force more down the wrong route. This is what ISIS want. They want the west to and the people in the west to turn against Muslims.


Sad, but all the people blindly raging against Muslims without trying to understand any of the nuances of what is happening are ultimately helping ISIS.


So how do you stop it all? Yes we've had afghan and Iraq and other sand based adventures that have annoyed Muslims home and away but we'd have done none of it with out 9/11.

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No, no, no Loob!!!!


Nuclear weapons? The first time one of those goes off in the region it really will escalate on all fronts, even here in the UK.


There are other ways but like you say any more of this and it might be time to formalise it into a conventional theatre of war to at least contain the borders of IS.


And what will you do when the terrorists acquire a nuke for themselves and set it off in London or New York?


---------- Post added 27-06-2015 at 20:35 ----------


Great post. This is kind of what I was driving at earlier. The idea that all young Muslims are prone to becoming extremists is just wrong. They're people like you and me and if we treat them any different then we will force more down the wrong route. This is what ISIS want. They want the west to and the people in the west to turn against Muslims.


Sad, but all the people blindly raging against Muslims without trying to understand any of the nuances of what is happening are ultimately helping ISIS.


Nothing turned the USA off the war in Vietnam quicker than seeing their sons return home in body bags. The parents of the IS terrorists need to see their children being turned to crispy toast. It might make them a little more careful about who they allow to radicalise them.

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They are not state sponsored by Saudi. They are sponsored by private wealthy Saudi individuals. Big difference.



"Private wealthy Saudi individuals" run the country...they called the Royal Family - the average private slave does not have a spare 20 billion to splash out on a private war :)

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A bit of paper does not make you a Christian or a Muslim, Christians follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, if you do not then you are not a Christian.

Muslims submit to the will of God which was relieved to Mohammad and written in the Koran, if you do not then you are not a Muslim.


My point exactly,it makes you wonder how many actual practising Christians and muslims there actually are in Britain.The problem is when you fill in your census form it asks your religion and you will put it down even if you don't follow it.It probably provides a false indication of how religious Britain actually is.I bet a lot more go to football matches than go to the mosque or church every week.

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And what will you do when the terrorists acquire a nuke for themselves and set it off in London or New York?


---------- Post added 27-06-2015 at 20:35 ----------



Nothing turned the USA off the war in Vietnam quicker than seeing their sons return home in body bags. The parents of the IS terrorists need to see their children being turned to crispy toast. It might make them a little more careful about who they allow to radicalise them.


If they set a nuke off why would we do the same? That would be utterly stupid and exactly what they would want us to do. No return from that.

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If they set a nuke off why would we do the same? That would be utterly stupid and exactly what they would want us to do. No return from that.


What if they set off two? Or three? What's your limit? what about a dirty bomb or two - destroy a couple of nuclear power stations? At what point is enough enough?

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So how do you stop it all? Yes we've had afghan and Iraq and other sand based adventures that have annoyed Muslims home and away but we'd have done none of it with out 9/11.


Wish I knew the answer. We could successfully deal with extremism here but it wouldn't stop thousands of French Muslims leaving for IS.


---------- Post added 27-06-2015 at 21:26 ----------


What if they set off two? Or three? What's your limit? what about a dirty bomb or two - destroy a couple of nuclear power stations? At what point is enough enough?


There would never be a point where I'd think we should nuke somebody.


I don't think it would be us that would do it anyway. It could be Israel. ISIS are already close to the Golan Heights which is Israeli territory and it's not widely reported but Hamas and ISIS are fighting each other in Palestine.


The whole thing is very,very close to the borders of Israel now.

Edited by I1L2T3
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So you're suggesting letting them get on with it. If you know of a way to stop Isis and only kill them and not civilians, patent it and sell it to Cameron.


I'm not suggesting letting them get on with it, they need hitting hard but nuking the area is not the answer.

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