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Terrorist attacks in Tunisia & Kuwait. "At least" 27 and 10 dead.

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My point exactly,it makes you wonder how many actual practising Christians and muslims there actually are in Britain.The problem is when you fill in your census form it asks your religion and you will put it down even if you don't follow it.It probably provides a false indication of how religious Britain actually is.I bet a lot more go to football matches than go to the mosque or church every week.


One of the options is no religion, but a survey did conclude that many people claimed to belong to a religion despite not being religious.


Some people obviously think that religion is like ethnicity, and think because their parents are Christian or Muslim they also must be Christian or Muslim.


The number of Christians and Muslims will be lower than the official figure.

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I'm not suggesting letting them get on with it, they need hitting hard but nuking the area is not the answer.


You were less than keen about the nuclear option (although I suspect l00b was making mischief) but does it matter really if civilians are nuked, shot or gassed? Still dead if we use any sort of military action. It's unavoidable.


---------- Post added 27-06-2015 at 21:49 ----------


Wish I knew the answer. We could successfully deal with extremism here but it wouldn't stop thousands of French Muslims leaving for IS.


---------- Post added 27-06-2015 at 21:26 ----------



There would never be a point where I'd think we should nuke somebody.


I don't think it would be us that would do it anyway. It could be Israel. ISIS are already close to the Golan Heights which is Israeli territory and it's not widely reported but Hamas and ISIS are fighting each other in Palestine.


The whole thing is very,very close to the borders of Israel now.


Is it the nuclear thing itself or the numbers? By the time we "fix" Isis we'd have probably had to killed thousands, even with being careful. Nuclear bombs reset Japan into a pacifist constitution. Would another 6 months of carpet bombing and a messy ground war have achieved the same thing?

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Destroyed the tourist industry there... Can anyone say that they would book a holiday to such a country in the foreseeable future. I won't be.


---------- Post added 27-06-2015 at 22:30 ----------


It would help if IS defeated Syria and then turned south... Israel or Iran would destroy them in a few weeks...

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You were less than keen about the nuclear option (although I suspect l00b was making mischief) but does it matter really if civilians are nuked, shot or gassed? Still dead if we use any sort of military action. It's unavoidable.


---------- Post added 27-06-2015 at 21:49 ----------



Is it the nuclear thing itself or the numbers? By the time we "fix" Isis we'd have probably had to killed thousands, even with being careful. Nuclear bombs reset Japan into a pacifist constitution. Would another 6 months of carpet bombing and a messy ground war have achieved the same thing?


Nuclear material spreads afaik, would you like it if someone launched a nuclear attack in Britain to target some people and put us all at risk?

I understand Loob may be ****** off because his country is suffering attacks but nuclear is not the answer because we would not like it if someone nuked us would we?

Edited by mafya
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Is it the nuclear thing itself or the numbers? By the time we "fix" Isis we'd have probably had to killed thousands, even with being careful. Nuclear bombs reset Japan into a pacifist constitution. Would another 6 months of carpet bombing and a messy ground war have achieved the same thing?


You have things wildly out of context. To end the war against Japan risked the lives of 1 million allied troops fighting against tens of millions of fanatical Japanese.


I can't believe I'm arguing about this - you don't nuke millions of people because a gunman runs amok.


Mental. Absolutely mental.


---------- Post added 27-06-2015 at 23:06 ----------


It would help if IS defeated Syria and then turned south... Israel or Iran would destroy them in a few weeks...


Got a feeling we will see the most unholy of alliances take this task on sooner than we think

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Surely the Governments and Intelligence agencies know who the preachers are who are radicalising these Muslims, why not go after them. The special forces from UK, USA, France and Israel etc have the personnel with the skills to carry out attacks on the preachers who are behind these terrible atrocities.

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There would never be a point where I'd think we should nuke somebody.



Not even when the 50th one goes off and takes the final city in the country. Thank god we don't have politicians who have their heads as far up their backsides as you do.

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Not even when the 50th one goes off and takes the final city in the country. Thank god we don't have politicians who have their heads as far up their backsides as you do.


No, not even then because what would be the point. Drifting off topic now though.......


The original suggestion by another poster was tactical nuke strikes on IS that are not a like for like response

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