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Terrorist attacks in Tunisia & Kuwait. "At least" 27 and 10 dead.

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The only long term solution is education and world wide dilution and ultimately extinction of all religion.


Well I won't be supporting that suggestion.


And no atheist, no matter how educated they think they are, will ever succeed in getting me to reject my religious beliefs.

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How does it sound coordinated? There are ISIS attacks every single day.


As for Tunisia, I don't understand the mentality of someone who would holiday in a Muslim country in the current climate.



Started seeing adverts for Tunisia on TV a few weeks and thought to myself surely no person in their right mind would go there or anywhere else in the middle east or come to think of it any country that does not have English as its first language. You really ought to have noticed by now that White Brits are not well liked in some parts of the world. You might as well buy a T-shirt with a target on it.


I guess some Brits are not a smart as one would hope, children whose parents take them to these places ought to be taken into care, preferably as they are leaving the country but certainly on return and the parents charged with something appropriate that will allow the awarding of the custodial sentences these people deserve.


Besides going on all the fuss about them It is my understanding that going to these scum-holes where the jehadi types hang out was illegal anyway and those people that return from these places are meant to be treat as potential terrorists. If this is not the case then it certainly should be.


I do feel sorry for those people whose relatives have been killed or injured but I have absolutely no sympathy for any adult idiotic enough to have presented themselves as easy targets for the nut jobs that like killing Brits by visiting the middle east.




---------- Post added 28-06-2015 at 01:20 ----------


Well I won't be supporting that suggestion.


And no atheist, no matter how educated they think they are, will ever succeed in getting me to reject my religious beliefs.



Sad to say it is precisely because of people with that attitude that people will continue to die in the name of other peoples' gods or imaginary friends.




Why are people contemplating and or discussing the potential use of nuclear weapons by the west to put down isis.


Yes using gamma ray nukes with their very short periods of nuclear contamination do seem inviting but its not necessary there several other low toxicity low residual effect devices that could be used with great effect some of which their use would hardly even register on a seismograph or to satallite surveillance. The vast majority of isis camps could be gone in a matter of days with few if any survivors.


I'm just assuming that we have not wiped out isis already because someone in the west does not want that doing ...or perhaps not doing yet.


Like it or not isis are slowly reducing the middle east's population a thing which they have refused to do themselves through responsible family planning and most of those people being killed or will potential be killed are muslims and Jews neither of which appear to be or have been particularly popular throughout history for whatever reasons. They also appear to like killing french folk too. And the french are not doing us any favours at the moment.


It all makes you think ..or it should do.

Edited by Tommo68
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Started seeing adverts for Tunisia on TV a few weeks and thought to myself surely no person in their right mind would go there or anywhere else in the middle east or come to think of it any country that does not have English as its first language. You really ought to have noticed by now that White Brits are not well liked in some parts of the world. You might as well buy a T-shirt with a target on it.





Not all the victims were 'white Brits' and the people saving their lives in the hotel and hospitals weren't white Brits either.


If you'll only visit countries where English is the first language, you'll have a pretty narrow choice, what do you do usually Tommo, a pack up of cheese sandwiches and Thermos of a weak lemon drink and head to Skeggy? Frankly I'd prefer to take my chances in Tunisia.

Edited by boyfriday
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Like it or not isis are slowly reducing the middle east's population


total utter garbage. Adding up is clearly not your strong point is it. There are 125 million more Middle Easterners than there were 25 years ago. The Middle East may be highly unstable and even war-torn but it is not at the point where 5 million people are dying each year. ISIS would have to pull something really special out of the hat like about 10 Nuclear Weapons to make even a little dent on that level of natural population growth.

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Well I won't be supporting that suggestion.


And no atheist, no matter how educated they think they are, will ever succeed in getting me to reject my religious beliefs.


The suggestion doesn't need your support..that's the beauty of 'education' as a process of evolvement. Jonny5's suggestion would have had him on the rack a few centuries ago. People with unshakable beliefs die and are replaced with new blood..it's a slow process I know but our irrationality dies with us making way for new blood and progress.




Killing nutters with bombs only kills nutters with bombs, only to be replaced with more nutters with bombs. It's lazy and we become part of the 'nutter' cycle. But on both sides it's profitable, so short term it's a difficult call.

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No, not even then because what would be the point. Drifting off topic now though.......


The original suggestion by another poster was tactical nuke strikes on IS that are not a like for like response


Who said anything about like for like strikes. You tackle wasp nest with exterminator spray, not like for like response.


A few 5 mile diameter holes where cities stood is a good deterent to those who might fancy making their trip, particularly as their god allowed it to happen.

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Well I won't be supporting that suggestion.


And no atheist, no matter how educated they think they are, will ever succeed in getting me to reject my religious beliefs.


That's fair enough. You have that right and we support your right to exercise it, whist reserving the right to state that we honestly think it's wrong. Not evil you understand; but divisive, false, and dangerous.


'Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.' Steven Weinberg

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Who said anything about like for like strikes. You tackle wasp nest with exterminator spray, not like for like response.


A few 5 mile diameter holes where cities stood is a good deterent to those who might fancy making their trip, particularly as their god allowed it to happen.


I can't agree with your argument but do understand exactly what you are saying.


The downside I can see is massive anger against the west, more radicalisation and and more home grown attacks against us here. Have to remember that the current phase of low levels of radicalisation has been driven by anger over western intervention.


It would solve nothing

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Can anyone explain why Tony Blair was getting paid as the Middle East Peace Envoy when all this started and continued ?

What did he do to try and bring peace ?

Why wasn't he sacked ?


Why not research the answers to these fascinating question and then come back and present your findings?

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