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Terrorist attacks in Tunisia & Kuwait. "At least" 27 and 10 dead.

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I asserted nothing, you made the perception.



Its the same with all racists..they ask for something, they get it, and when they do get it they whine with..."so that was blah blah....".


You asked, you got. Now, back under your stone.


It was based on posting style. Racists tend to go into denial when confronted with something they ask for and get.


So you think it's okay to call somebody a racist because they showed poor debate etiquette by adjusting their position without acknowledging that they'd been proven to be exaggerating?


---------- Post added 30-06-2015 at 11:31 ----------


You are of course right. The problem is that for many of our small minded friends, the words Muslim, a pejorative abbreviation of a country's name and a certain colour of skin all seem to be synonymous with each other.


I'm know that there are people who fall into that category. Although given the news coverage of these issues over the last several years, there can't be many people left who are unaware that Muslims come from many different races.

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Yeah, and right back at you.


Poster asks: I wonder what the religion will be of the next terrorists/suicide bombers.


Poster gets: "White supremacist terrorists" then shock horror complains with.."so that was a suicide attack was it" when clearly he asked for terrorists in the same sentence...and then continues to babble on about statistics. The poster is racially/selectively bias as well as having 'poor debate etiquette'...both, if not more, a commonality of the racist.


If the shoe fits, I'll bandy the term around as much as I feel fit...if it offends you then I'm afraid you'll have to grow an extra layer.

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Yeah, and right back at you.


Poster asks: I wonder what the religion will be of the next terrorists/suicide bombers.


Poster gets: "White supremacist terrorists" then shock horror complains with.."so that was a suicide attack was it" when clearly he asked for terrorists in the same sentence...and then continues to babble on about statistics. The poster is racially/selectively bias as well as having 'poor debate etiquette'...both, if not more, a commonality of the racist.


If the shoe fits, I'll bandy the term around as much as I feel fit...if it offends you then I'm afraid you'll have to grow an extra layer.



It's your choice and you're certainly free to speak your mind. As I have done.


You discredit your position though and alienate those who would otherwise support you with your unfounded allegations of racial prejudice.

You also make a mockery of the very important problem of true racism which is far from gone in this land.


If you want to get moderates to support your opponents, you're going the right way about it.

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Shooting grandma's and grandads dressed in lycra laying on a sunbed on holiday, on a beach and just because they are not muslim that is real racism.


Oh come on.

The vast majority Muslims in the UK who are the victims of anti-muslim bigotry (which is not a kind of racism) are not responsible for the murderous actions of islamic extremist bigots (also not a kind of racism); any more than all christians are responsible for the KKK, or all socialists are responsible for Stalin and the Nazis.

There is evil everywhere. It is very unlikely that anyone on this thread is personally responsible for any of it.

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The White non Muslim in Charlston killed nine black peoples the other day, it doesn't mean all white non Muslims are the same does it?

You need to stop tarring all Muslims as the same....:rolleyes:


Which ones the Sunni or the Shi'ite or the Sufis or the Baha’is and Ahmadiyyas or the Druze, Alevis, and `Alawis, it seems neither can get on with each other so you may as well mix them together and tar the fence with them.

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Which ones the Sunni or the Shi'ite or the Sufis or the Baha’is and Ahmadiyyas or the Druze, Alevis, and `Alawis, it seems neither can get on with each other so you may as well mix them together and tar the fence with them.


Are all capitalists granny-robbing fraudsters?

Are all socialists nazis?

Are all christians in the KKK?

Are all roman catholics child molesterers?


There are a billion muslims in the world. Please stop trying to make them all the enemy when the vast majority hate IS at least as much as the rest of us.

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Are all capitalists granny-robbing fraudsters?

Are all socialists nazis?

Are all christians in the KKK?

Are all roman catholics child molesterers?


There are a billion muslims in the world. Please stop trying to make them all the enemy when the vast majority hate IS at least as much as the rest of us.


Do they really?

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