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Terrorist attacks in Tunisia & Kuwait. "At least" 27 and 10 dead.

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Makes you wonder why so many run off to join then doesn't it.


What's a few thousand divided by a billion. Let's be generous and call it ten thousand.




Or even 100,000: 0.01%


You want to fight the other 99.99% - 99.999% as well? You can count me out.

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You discredit your position though and alienate those who would otherwise support you with your unfounded allegations of racial prejudice.



it seems neither can get on with each other so you may as well mix them together and tar the fence with them.


Which was Blaster Bate's intention with "I wonder what the religion will be of the next terrorists/suicide bombers".


As I said, if it 'smells and moves' like a racist it's likely to turn out to be one.

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Which was Blaster Bate's intention with "I wonder what the religion will be of the next terrorists/suicide bombers".


As I said, if it 'smells and moves' like a racist it's likely to turn out to be one.


No amount of banging on about this is going to suddenly turn a creed into a race.

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Which was Blaster Bate's intention with "I wonder what the religion will be of the next terrorists/suicide bombers".


As I said, if it 'smells and moves' like a racist it's likely to turn out to be one.



Religion with me, choose which one they are all trouble.


Shouting racist is so old fashioned, especially where religion is concerned, but if it keeps you happy.

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Oh come on.

The vast majority Muslims in the UK who are the victims of anti-muslim bigotry (which is not a kind of racism) are not responsible for the murderous actions of islamic extremist bigots (also not a kind of racism); any more than all christians are responsible for the KKK, or all socialists are responsible for Stalin and the Nazis.

There is evil everywhere. It is very unlikely that anyone on this thread is personally responsible for any of it.

I know that! I was replying to Mafya who can always come up with a quote or it seems an excuse to justify the fact that terrorism World wide is NOW! being practised by people who follow Islam.

It is always some one else to blame when these bloody stone age terrorists go on the rampage.

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I know that! I was replying to Mafya who can always come up with a quote or it seems an excuse to justify the fact that terrorism World wide is NOW! being practised by people who follow Islam.

It is always some one else to blame when these bloody stone age terrorists go on the rampage.


My interpretation of mafya's comment was quite different. I don't think he's excusing anything. I've seen nothing to suggest that he's an apologist for these murderous nutters.


---------- Post added 30-06-2015 at 15:50 ----------


Religion with me, choose which one they are all trouble.



It is indeed madness that yet again worshippers of the god of Abraham are determined that other worshippers of the god of Abraham should slightly change the way they worship the god of Abraham or be hacked to pieces.


I'm convinced that if IS were successful and converted the world to their exact version of Islam, they'd last about 10 minutes before a new division appeared over something daft like what colour cardboard hats to wear and the hacking resumed.

Edited by unbeliever
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and bang on cue the leader of the flock "the halibut" :D


now repeat after me halibut

"This has nothing to do with religion."

"These weren't real Muslims."

"Islam is a religion of peace."

"Muslims are being radicalised because of Islamophobia, racism, and Western foreign policy."

"The USA, and Western intervention in Muslim countries, is to blame."

"ISIS is a product of the West."


And on and on and on,


feel better now halibut my old son:D


---------- Post added 26-06-2015 at 16:01 ----------



I'll explain it for you then, its all part of the masterplan ,we all go off holidaying in Muslim countries To destroy their economies..tourism as just been stuffed in tunisia overnight . get it:suspect:

It's hard for the uneducated to understand it's not Muslims fault. But a tiny percentage who is off the rail giving us a bad name

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It's hard for the uneducated to understand it's not Muslims fault. But a tiny percentage who is off the rail giving us a bad name


I agree with your sentiments. Although I suppose compared to some I'm rather uneducated on the matter myself.


Do you have any thoughts as to why it might be that Islam has a far greater murderous zealot problem than the other Abrahamic religions?

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Are all capitalists granny-robbing fraudsters?

Are all socialists nazis?

Are all christians in the KKK?

Are all roman catholics child molesterers?


There are a billion muslims in the world. Please stop trying to make them all the enemy when the vast majority hate IS at least as much as the rest of us.

yes but did they demonstrate against captain Hook or Chewbaka as they did over silly cartoons and a silly book?


---------- Post added 30-06-2015 at 18:31 ----------


It's hard for the uneducated to understand it's not Muslims fault. But a tiny percentage who is off the rail giving us a bad name

Like in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Nigeria, Kenya etc etc etc etc.


---------- Post added 30-06-2015 at 19:02 ----------


I'm also a Muslim and Islamic state is nothing to do with the Islam that I follow, it's a bunch of crazy extremists using Islam to justify their craziness..

So do you follow the teachings of the Quran?


---------- Post added 30-06-2015 at 19:03 ----------


Are all roman catholics child molesters?


No but most child molesters in Rotherham are Muslims.
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