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Terrorist attacks in Tunisia & Kuwait. "At least" 27 and 10 dead.

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Sick of our leaders appeasing Muslims. 5 British people died today at the hands of ISIS. And yet David Cameron still says that "Islam is the religion of peace". Either they are angling for some of that oil money when they retire, or simply scared of the consequences of speaking out against Islamic terrorists.

or.....................youre talking out yer arse again

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I'm also a Muslim and Islamic state is nothing to do with the Islam that I follow, it's a bunch of crazy extremists using Islam to justify their craziness.


---------- Post added 26-06-2015 at 20:03 ----------



They also killed other Muslims so as Taxman pointed out it isn't a Muslim verses non mypuslim thing either.


So what you are saying is that it is muslims killing everyone including muslims. Everyone is a target for their religion of peace. They are probably even killing mypuslims.

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So what you are saying is that it is muslims killing everyone including muslims. Everyone is a target for their religion of peace. They are probably even killing mypuslims.


No what he is saying is that those killing in the name of islam are not real muslims.

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So Mohammed was not a real Muslim. :huh:


What has the prophet got to do with this?

Don't start quoting Verses from the Quran out of context either.


---------- Post added 26-06-2015 at 20:54 ----------


So what you are saying is that it is muslims killing everyone including muslims. Everyone is a target for their religion of peace. They are probably even killing mypuslims.


Do you have a problem reading and understanding posts?

Is English not your first language?

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Surely we have to acknowledge that Islam has a far greater murdering psycho problem than other faiths. I would say that it is a creed significantly more susceptible to attracting and encouraging violence. The message of the Quran is a mixture of peace and violence, of love and hate like all the major religious texts. However most major religions have been through a reformation process and become pacified by it.

There are essentially 2 major branches of Islam: Shia and Sunni. Most violence carried out in the name of Islam is these 2 branches fighting each other, or falling out internally.

When the violence does spill out, it hits everybody: Socialists and capitalists, progressive and conservatives, libertarians and authoritarians, orthodox catholics, roman catholics, anglicans, protestants, jews, hindus, seeks, atheists and pastafarians.


We spend a lot of our effort in military and other interventions maintaining a balance of power between the Shia and the Sunni so that the extreme elements in one don't wipe out the other and then come after us. This is not a long term solution and has an intolerably high cost in blood.


Appeasement will not work by itself. The ideology here is too extreme to simply be reasoned with. Moderate muslims will respond well to reason, but the fundamentalists will see it as a weakness to be exploited.

The scale of Islamic fundamentalism is has become too great for moderate Muslims to sort it out by themselves. They will need help from everybody else.

That said, I personally think that a lot could be achieved by offering protection to moderate Muslim teachers, especially those in the west, so as reduce the risk of their coming to harm or being intimidated into silence.


Islam is sometimes referred to as either "the" or "a" religion of peace. That's starting to sound a bit silly given the internal and external violent conflicts of this creed. Also, don't let anyone tell you that "Islam" means "peace". It means "submission" the implication being submission to the will of God. If you doubt this, check a dictionary. There's nothing wrong with that as a name, but facts matter.


We must at all times remember that none of this indicates that a Muslim is by definition a bad person. There is evil everywhere, not just in Islam.

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Do you have a problem reading and understanding posts?

Is English not your first language?


Well actually I'm pretty good with the language, but clearly you are not. Perhaps you would like to spell it out to me where you think I might have got it wrong.


When I said it was muslims doing the killing you pointed out that they were killing muslims as well as non muslims. That to me sounds like the muslims doing the killing seem to want to kill everyone. Would you like to correct me if I'm wrong?

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Well actually I'm pretty good with the language, but clearly you are not. Perhaps you would like to spell it out to me where you think I might have got it wrong.


When I said it was muslims doing the killing you pointed out that they were killing muslims as well as non muslims. That to me sounds like the muslims doing the killing seem to want to kill everyone. Would you like to correct me if I'm wrong?


The point I'm making is the terrorists are killing anyone they please including Muslims so those who are tarring all Muslims with the same brush need to realise that this is not a Muslim verses non Muslim thing and that these terrorists do not represent the majority of Muslims.

Your sarky comment of religion of piece says it all...

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I'm also a Muslim and Islamic state is nothing to do with the Islam that I follow, it's a bunch of crazy extremists using Islam to justify their craziness.


They'd probably look upon you, with equal distaste, and think that you're the one who is not following the true faith.


Who is right?


We are of course, we always are, we are always right and 'they' are always wrong. This is why humanity is not-so-harmonious.

Edited by Waldo
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