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Terrorist attacks in Tunisia & Kuwait. "At least" 27 and 10 dead.

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Whilst not all Muslims are terrorists, this sort of violent fanaticism is part of the Islamic package and allowing large numbers of Muslims into this country has put us all in danger. If somebody offered you a drink, telling you it was 95% milk and 5% arsenic, you wouldn't drink it because only 5% of it was poisonous. The small number of fanatics can do enormous damage as the lone gunman in Tunisia has proved and it seems their numbers are increasing here and in other European countries which used to be civilised and safe.

Allowing Islam to spread has been the biggest mistake our politicians have made and they need to admit it and start challenging the way this medieval religious cult operates, i.e. by brainwashing children from birth with lurid nonsense.

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Automatic loss of citizenship should be the penalty for anyone leaving to join ISIS. Let them stay there. survive or perish whatever. They're useless to their own countries anyway.


Have we learned anything from this on what a liberal, open immigration policy can lead to?

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So if these folk have been raised as good god fearing muslims for 20 years, what is it that makes them so suseptible to being brainwashed into leaving their home country, jumping on a plane, strapping on the semtex and blowing up themselves and their fellow man. Because as a non muslim I have to say that it's not something that ever appealed to me.


you fail to understand the psyche, a lot of those that go to join ISIS have been shown to be either Nieve, Confused, looking for something in life, or plain psychopathic.


one of my old mates was similer, he swapped between anarchist, satanist and hari krishna in about 2 years, i havent seen him since.


I posted the other day about a jihadi being interviewed (by a muslim, who didnt like his views and methods by the way) and he said he joined ISIS to help syrian muslims.............hmmmm since theyre the ones being executed, having hands cut off, and women stoned etc by ISIS im not sure that was the correct decision Oo

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Whilst not all Muslims are terrorists, this sort of violent fanaticism is part of the Islamic package and allowing large numbers of Muslims into this country has put us all in danger. If somebody offered you a drink, telling you it was 95% milk and 5% arsenic, you wouldn't drink it because only 5% of it was poisonous. The small number of fanatics can do enormous damage as the lone gunman in Tunisia has proved and it seems their numbers are increasing here and in other European countries which used to be civilised and safe.

Allowing Islam to spread has been the biggest mistake our politicians have made and they need to admit it and start challenging the way this medieval religious cult operates, i.e. by brainwashing children from birth with lurid nonsense.


Do you need a history lesson :) Queen and country are doing the sword dance with the Saudis...they love them to bits...yes the founders and funders of ISIS.

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Surely we have to acknowledge that Islam has a far greater murdering psycho problem than other faiths. I would say that it is a creed significantly more susceptible to attracting and encouraging violence. The message of the Quran is a mixture of peace and violence, of love and hate like all the major religious texts. However most major religions have been through a reformation process and become pacified by it.

There are essentially 2 major branches of Islam: Shia and Sunni. Most violence carried out in the name of Islam is these 2 branches fighting each other, or falling out internally.

When the violence does spill out, it hits everybody: Socialists and capitalists, progressive and conservatives, libertarians and authoritarians, orthodox catholics, roman catholics, anglicans, protestants, jews, hindus, seeks, atheists and pastafarians.


We spend a lot of our effort in military and other interventions maintaining a balance of power between the Shia and the Sunni so that the extreme elements in one don't wipe out the other and then come after us. This is not a long term solution and has an intolerably high cost in blood.


Appeasement will not work by itself. The ideology here is too extreme to simply be reasoned with. Moderate muslims will respond well to reason, but the fundamentalists will see it as a weakness to be exploited.

The scale of Islamic fundamentalism is has become too great for moderate Muslims to sort it out by themselves. They will need help from everybody else.

That said, I personally think that a lot could be achieved by offering protection to moderate Muslim teachers, especially those in the west, so as reduce the risk of their coming to harm or being intimidated into silence.


Islam is sometimes referred to as either "the" or "a" religion of peace. That's starting to sound a bit silly given the internal and external violent conflicts of this creed. Also, don't let anyone tell you that "Islam" means "peace". It means "submission" the implication being submission to the will of God. If you doubt this, check a dictionary. There's nothing wrong with that as a name, but facts matter.


We must at all times remember that none of this indicates that a Muslim is by definition a bad person. There is evil everywhere, not just in Islam.


We've not got a good record here in the west of understanding the whole Shia/Sunni "thing". There we were, we had to accept the Ayotollah (sp?) getting rid of the nice western friendly Shah, in Iran, and what about those people who hit themselves on the head until they bleed. And then there's Iran trying to get atomic weapons. Clearly the Shia are an evil lot. Not like those nice western friendly Sunnis in the UAE and Saudi and Kuwait, who send their kids to top schools in England. And we buy their oil and sell them fighter aircraft and stuff to torture people with, not that they'd use it on anyone that matters because they're frightfully nice people, these Sunnis. That is until some of them started Al qaeda, and now ISIS. So are we to think that Sunnis are now the baddies? Does that mean that Shi'a are now good. Do we start selling them enriched uranium, after all? It's all so confusing. Sod it, I'm off to Waterstones in the morning to get a copy of "Islam for Dummies". It's the only hope.

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you fail to understand the psyche, a lot of those that go to join ISIS have been shown to be either Nieve, Confused, looking for something in life, or plain psychopathic.


one of my old mates was similer, he swapped between anarchist, satanist and hari krishna in about 2 years, i havent seen him since.


I posted the other day about a jihadi being interviewed (by a muslim, who didnt like his views and methods by the way) and he said he joined ISIS to help syrian muslims.............hmmmm since theyre the ones being executed, having hands cut off, and women stoned etc by ISIS im not sure that was the correct decision Oo


Odd then that it only seems to be muslims that are suseptible to this kind of brain washing. I'm not seeing hoardes of Jehovaha's Witnesses blowing up supermarkets.


I do find it odd that folk worship this all powerful god, who in the past sent down floods and plagues of frogs to sort out the wrong doers, but when the rabid hoardes are doing a bit of bombing or beheading in his name he seems incapable of action. I think if I were wasting my life praying 5 times a day to someone who allowed his followers to blow each other up I might be questioning why.

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Odd then that it only seems to be muslims that are suseptible to this kind of brain washing. I'm not seeing hoardes of Jehovaha's Witnesses blowing up supermarkets.


I do find it odd that folk worship this all powerful god, who in the past sent down floods and plagues of frogs to sort out the wrong doers, but when the rabid hoardes are doing a bit of bombing or beheading in his name he seems incapable of action. I think if I were wasting my life praying 5 times a day to someone who allowed his followers to blow each other up I might be questioning why.

dont you find it odd that the vast majority of victims are muslim too?


seems odd, muslims blowing up muslims?


maybe its something slightly different?

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Surely it's a nebulous term...


Quite a wide range of people, with very different world views, callimg themsevles Muslim, and claim to follow Islam. As such, it's pretty much a meaningless term.


I'd also say, it's individuals who are peaceful, or, inclined to violence. Religion is inert. It is nothing without the context of a human mind.


It's not just a case of some people being violent. There are some people who are so driven, and believe totally in what they are doing that they are prepared to die doing it. This isn't like the bravery of a member of the armed forces who knows that they might be killed and is prepared to accept the risk for the greater good. These are people who know, 100%, that they will be killed doing what they are going to do.


We joke about the X No of virgins waiting for them. Whether they literally believe that I don't know. But it is clear that they are driven in a way that very few people with a (for want of a better term) western upbringing would ever be. People such as the 7/7 bombers were brought up in the UK, yet were prepared to do something that would be anathema to most people.


I don't think we are anywhere close to understanding the mindset of these people. Yet until we do, I don't think we've got much hope of changing hearts and minds.

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dont you find it odd that the vast majority of victims are muslim too?


seems odd, muslims blowing up muslims?


maybe its something slightly different?


Their god letting them down then. God's will and all that.


Why are so many sailing across the Med for a better life. Couldn't god sort it out over there?

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