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Apple jumps on the Confederate flag bandwagon

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Weren't they fighting for the right to keep slavery? Is that honourable?


That would depend on a viewpoint. The viewpoint being that a race of beings were regarded as sub-human..if human at all, but had certain abilities..hence free labour and slavery. Of course they were 'housed and fed' which could be interpreted as rewarded. Those sentiments live on albeit simmering below the surface, but occasionally pop up for air with "current hysteria".

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I hope the Dukes of Hazzard is not going to be banned from our screens I still love watching the old shows.I read that a us police officer has been banned from taking his replica Dodge Charger to work because it has a confederate flag on its roof.I still want one of those cars.

the link does mention the makers wont be making any more dukes cars :(

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Weren't they fighting for the right to keep slavery? Is that honourable?


By the same token weren't British soldiers in the colonies posted there to keep the locals subjugated and to prevent any rebellions aimed at freedom and independence. The Zulu nation was invaded without cause and many were slaughtered, some mowed down by the new type of machine gun, the Maxim, beloved by Cecil Rhodes


There were other atrocities committed such as the Amritsar massacre and the hundreds of Boer men, women and children confined to the new British concentration camps where they died in very large numbers.


Does that mean therefore that the soldiers who served the empire and participated in wars to defend it were any nobler than the Confederate forces?


IF we respect the fallen who fought and died for an empire we should in turn respect the fallen on both sides of the civil war.


Should the British flag be associated with past oppression and injustice? No it should not for it means many things to many people. The Confederate flag also means many things to many southerners, not all associated with slavery either

Edited by Harleyman
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Should the British flag be associated with past oppression and injustice? No it should not for it means many things to many people. The Confederate flag also means many things to many southerners, not all associated with slavery either

the union flag has a tarnished reputation too, with neo nazis jackbooting all over it etc

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Harleyman, more recently there was Bloody Sunday, where British military imdescriminately murdered unarmed civies.


Yes I remember that and I forgot to mention Ireland which underwent 800 years of British occupation and during the potato famine 4 million either died or emigrated out of a total population of some 10 million.


America's record of justice might be blemished by what happened in the past, who can deny that, but Europe's is hardly any better

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