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Poi Club Review (Mon 7-9 Highfield Church hall, London Road)

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Poi Club Review (Mon 7-9 Highfield Trinity Church, London Road)


I along this week to see what was happening.


I've spent a lot of time at Sheffields various juggling/circus skills groups, which, to varying extents, tend to have a poi presence.


It was refreshing to see a different approach to spinning at this group with poi removed totally from the entertainment/circus skill, side of things and a focus on the benefits of spinning for fitness, co-ordination and mental/spiritual focus.


Without wanting to put down students, it was also nice to see a group which catered instead to 'real' inhabitants of Sheffield, rather than just the transcient youth which make up the two universities.


As is evident from the other threads in which 'Poi Club' has been mentioned, Kato is keen on showing the benefits of poi to groups who've previously probably not been exposed to it, such as martial artists.


While I understand some of the cynisism that some seem to feel about this, I agree fully that poi are very relevant to many aspects of martial arts.


Obviously, particularly where the traditional martial arts are concerned, fighting ability is only one aspect, with probably a greater focus on development on body, technique, balance, skill and, ultimately, spirit.


Poi is, in many ways, a 'short cut' to all of the above.


To any martial artists who are cynical, I'd suggest turning up for a session and basing any judgement on that; after all, with most martial arts classes in Sheffield currently costing around £5/session, and 'Poi Club' currently carrying no charge, there's really nothing to lose.


But I'd also say, that it's just as suitable for anyone with no experience of martial arts or other skills- anyone who wants to improve their fitness, co-ordination and mental focus, with an activity requiring no significant financial outlay, which can be taken at your own pace and which, as well as being of substantial physical benefit, is also fun- would do well to check out this group.

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