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Is there a growing national consensus for action against ISIL?

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Yes they are, but they are also allowed to continue spewing their hatred against gays, Americans (I can't remember why) and so on under the free speech banner. They are not promoting racism afaik, but the vast majority (if not all) of the congregation is conveniently white. The odd thing is that extremist imams are not allowed to spew their messages of hate in the States...


Anyway, that as an aside, I already mentioned that I think there should be a committee of muslim representatives involved with answering this whole question of how to deal with the issue.


The majority may well be white but so what? Race isn't a choice. Judge them on what they choose to believe, the views they perpetuate and propagate and the outcomes that result. If someone leaves the church then they should be congratulated for that... not condemned for still being white!


Dragging this back on subject... I see in the news that the Defence Secretary is to urge MP's to back air strike on ISIS in Syria. It is like groundhog day where we just keep flogging the same dead horse with the same useless whip. Our interventions have always made things worse for the people on the ground and in terms of fuelling the extremism and terrorism problems back home. Either do the whole colonial thing properly or leave alone.

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Yes, they definitely promote extremism but I didn't think they promoted racism (could be wrong)? Either way, yes, all members of that church deserve collective blame and have collective responsibility if the beliefs they propagate inspire others to cross the legal line and commit acts of terrorism.


Are members of the Westboro Baptish Church on the receiving end of collective blame and condemnation and, if so, do you think it is reasonable or unfair?


On the face of it you could be right as Phelps was a civil rights activist, but according to his son, this was a smokescreen. Phelps was an out and out racist who saw an opportunity with the passing of the Civil Rights Act to cash in. Lots of money, and a lot of opportunity. For Blacks he was the man to go to. According to his son and behind closed doors, Phelps regarded Blacks as DN's and believed they were biblicaly cursed.


Of course it's a well known fact that the rank and file of the hate church is Black.

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There are certain truths.

1. We would not be in this position if it were not for 9/11.

2. Had 9/11 been treated as a crime and not an act of war we would not have invaded Iraq or Afghanistan.

3. We would have caught Bin Laden anyway.

4. Wahabeeism is at the root of militant Islam.

5. The west has played in the hands of the Wahabees by invading the above countries.

6. Democracy is an alien concept to Muslims.

7. Trying to impose democracy on Muslim countries is bound to fail.

8. The west should divorce itself completely acknowledging that it has failed in all its efforts.

9. We should strengthen our border forces and not allow any immigration from Muslim countries.

10. Any Muslim who wishes to stay here should be required to take an oath of loyalty.

11. Any British born Muslim who departs this country to fight for ISIL or similar should have their citizenship revoked and not be allowed back.

12. Integration has failed, separation is required.

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