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Protest against Austerity Sheffield 8th July

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How can you protest against living within your means?


Shouldn't the protest be about something positive? A new idea or solution.


Credit card spending to sustain pointless jobs in a bloated public sector went to the electorate a few weeks ago and was overwhelmingly rejected.

yet they still got in :hihi::hihi::hihi:
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I hate cricket but it will be damn site more appealing thank a bunch of wanabe politicians and the SWP ranting about the current government.


They lost the election. They cannot get their head around this democracy lark can they?





But of course the cowardly Tories disrespectfully neglected (deliberately avoided) to tell the electorate what they were going to cut, so we were all voting in the dark. That should quite simply not have been allowed to happen.


How many, for instance,) are now happy with the cuts to services for the disabled for instance? Of course it won't affect the majority of people, so they will be able to get on with their happy little lives (for now,) but it will be absolutely devastating for the people who rely on them. But as long as it's happening to someone else that's alright..


What the average Tory voter has failed to think about is that they themselves could become disabled tomorrow, or they could become a carer, and need help, and they will certainly grow old and become infirm eventually, but there will be nothing left to help them.


They might then just wish they had voted Labour, or maybe think they would be better off being left out on a cold night on a hillside to die...

They just can't get their heads round this growing old lark, can they...?

Edited by Anna B
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But of course the cowardly Tories disrespectfully neglected (deliberately avoided) to tell the electorate what they were going to cut, so we were all voting in the dark. That should quite simply not have been allowed to happen.


How many, for instance,) are now happy with the cuts to services for the disabled for instance? Of course it won't affect the majority of people, so they will be able to get on with their happy little lives (for now,) but it will be absolutely devastating for the people who rely on them. But as long as it's happening to someone else that's alright..


What the average Tory voter has failed to think about is that they themselves could become disabled tomorrow, or they could become a carer, and need help, and they will certainly grow old and become infirm eventually, but there will be nothing left to help them.


They might then just wish they had voted Labour, or maybe think they would be better off being left out on a cold night on a hillside to die...

They just can't get their heads round this growing old lark, can they...?


As a carer to a disabled relative you are completely incorrect with your assumptions. I DO agree with the cuts. "disabled" is a very very broad term. Those who are "disabled" may not necessary be unable to work in some capacity. Those who are "disabled" and cannot work already have various provisions made for them. I should know because I administer said person's finances.


A country cannot keep spending spending spending with money it has not got. So I absolutely would not vote labour whose mismanagement and complete oversubscribing of public resources (along with many other non government factors) were part of the mess we are currently trying to get out of.


Austerity is tough. Austerity hurts some people. It does not mean that its not necessary.


The people have voted. The result is in. Whether or not the election process is "deemed" fair is irrelevant. Until its changed, its exactly the same process as the one who let labour in for 13 years. No protests on the street then.


As for this "growing old" stuff, here is a concept that might make your average socialist's head spin. How about we take responsibility for our old age. How about we plan and invest for our own retirements. How about we actually stop expecting the government to have an unlimited amount of money all the time.




Protest against Austerity? Why? - What is the solution. Prey tell all mouthy chanting mob what exactly you would do different.


Simple concept even a child can understand. When you are in debt. Stop bloody spending.


*see Greece for details

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I hate cricket but it will be damn site more appealing thank a bunch of wanabe politicians and the SWP ranting about the current government.


They lost the election. They cannot get their head around this democracy lark can they?


Protest is a part of democracy... You just don't get it.

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As a carer to a disabled relative you are completely incorrect with your assumptions. I DO agree with the cuts. "disabled" is a very very broad term. Those who are "disabled" may not necessary be unable to work in some capacity. Those who are "disabled" and cannot work already have various provisions made for them. I should know because I administer said person's finances.


A country cannot keep spending spending spending with money it has not got. So I absolutely would not vote labour whose mismanagement and complete oversubscribing of public resources (along with many other non government factors) were part of the mess we are currently trying to get out of.


Austerity is tough. Austerity hurts some people. It does not mean that its not necessary.


The people have voted. The result is in. Whether or not the election process is "deemed" fair is irrelevant. Until its changed, its exactly the same process as the one who let labour in for 13 years. No protests on the street then.


As for this "growing old" stuff, here is a concept that might make your average socialist's head spin. How about we take responsibility for our old age. How about we plan and invest for our own retirements. How about we actually stop expecting the government to have an unlimited amount of money all the time.




Protest against Austerity? Why? - What is the solution. Prey tell all mouthy chanting mob what exactly you would do different.


Simple concept even a child can understand. When you are in debt. Stop bloody spending.


*see Greece for details


How about you go along to the 'crisis in social care' meeting on the 8th and see what the cuts actually mean for some people.

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As for this "growing old" stuff, here is a concept that might make your average socialist's head spin. How about we take responsibility for our old age. How about we plan and invest for our own retirements. How about we actually stop expecting the government to have an unlimited amount of money all the time.




Protest against Austerity? Why? - What is the solution. Prey tell all mouthy chanting mob what exactly you would do different.


Simple concept even a child can understand. When you are in debt. Stop bloody spending.


*see Greece for details


It's because in recent times, the morons have a voice. I blame twitter and facebook type applications, along with the suing culture.

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The silent majority is getting on with life working paying taxes and if we dont agree with the government voting them out in a thing known to most as an election. These protesters should try that sometime.


Love it when I see these "silent majority" quotes, absolutely no substance. Silent majority of what?

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Is there a counter protest for the silent majority?


The electorate voted for balancing the books.... live with it, or move to Greece (and learn the real meaning of the word austerity, not the left wing media hype one).


What an idiot you are!


Why should we all lose services and benefits to pay the greed of bankers?


They ****ed up the economy with their assumption that house prices would continue to increase at ridiculous levels - when people stopped paying their 125% mortgages.......that's when the Banking Crisis began.


Learn you fool!


---------- Post added 01-07-2015 at 00:11 ----------


As a carer to a disabled relative you are completely incorrect with your assumptions. I DO agree with the cuts. "disabled" is a very very broad term. Those who are "disabled" may not necessary be unable to work in some capacity. Those who are "disabled" and cannot work already have various provisions made for them. I should know because I administer said person's finances.


A country cannot keep spending spending spending with money it has not got. So I absolutely would not vote labour whose mismanagement and complete oversubscribing of public resources (along with many other non government factors) were part of the mess we are currently trying to get out of.


Austerity is tough. Austerity hurts some people. It does not mean that its not necessary.


The people have voted. The result is in. Whether or not the election process is "deemed" fair is irrelevant. Until its changed, its exactly the same process as the one who let labour in for 13 years. No protests on the street then.


As for this "growing old" stuff, here is a concept that might make your average socialist's head spin. How about we take responsibility for our old age. How about we plan and invest for our own retirements. How about we actually stop expecting the government to have an unlimited amount of money all the time.




Protest against Austerity? Why? - What is the solution. Prey tell all mouthy chanting mob what exactly you would do different.


Simple concept even a child can understand. When you are in debt. Stop bloody spending.


*see Greece for details


The country has got the money - it just chooses not to collect the tax revenue from those that can avoid paying it.


Why do people keep blaming other poor people for the mess of the country when it's not the case?

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It's because in recent times, the morons have a voice. I blame twitter and facebook type applications, along with the suing culture.


See the blue collar Tories are out tonight. So Labour caused the global crisis? In the States, Spain, Portugal, Italy etc... Take your pick.

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How about you go along to the 'crisis in social care' meeting on the 8th and see what the cuts actually mean for some people.


Why would I need to. I am more than aware of the work of Disability Sheffield. I am more than aware of the many mess ups involved with Direct Payments and the Independent Living Fund. I have had to deal with many said mess ups/reductions/changes in procedure/missed payments. I am also smart enough to realise that there will be exactly the same mess ups during its replacement.


However, I have my opinions and believe it or not have fought my own battles with SCC about this issue. I don't need to sit in a meeting of a small group of people to hear their opinions.


Nobody has answered my key question. What exactly are these idiots protesting about. What exactly is the alternative? Keep spending?

Edited by ECCOnoob
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