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Protest against Austerity Sheffield 8th July

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I am grown up I work for a living unlike the SWP who are there everyday with their banners. They are out in force in all these anti austerity rallies. Most of these take place during the week when the majority of the workforce are working.


Those workers that arnt working are either sleeping (ie they work nights) or enjoying their day off work (if they work weekends).


That part of the problem.

Edited by phoenixboy
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No they didn't. It was ordinary people working together.

The labouring class (workers, proletarians, guilds, trades, unions, women, children, chartists, etc etc etc) organised and fought for the things we take for granted today - weekends, sick pay, holiday pay, a vote, children not working 14 hour days in dangerous cotton mills. Things like that. :)


At the time they suffered worse than being called "lefties" - some politicians set the army on them. Yet now you've stripped all that away and boiled it down, rewrote history with the bits you don't like left out.


Well I ain't having it. You're wrong, and even more than that - you're being willfully stupid. There are many criticisms of both sides of politics, left and right, but it's idiotic to ignore history.



I am grown up

You've recently found an hair on your chest? ;)

Edited by Chris_Sleeps
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Dear oh dear! What do you want to be when you grow up?


the people who need to grow up is the likes of you that are blind to the fact the swp and other left wing muppets are clueless swp will up it to 13 pound a hour by steadly increasing it is better for everyone employers and employees putting it to 9 pound straight away will create job losses

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The labouring class (workers, proletarians, guilds, trades, unions, women, children, chartists, etc etc etc) organised and fought for the things we take for granted today - weekends, sick pay, holiday pay, a vote, children not working 14 hour days in dangerous cotton mills. Things like that. :)


At the time they suffered worse than being called "lefties" - some politicians set the army on them. Yet now you've stripped all that away and boiled it down, rewrote history with the bits you don't like left out.

Well I ain't having it. You're wrong, and even more than that - you're being willfully stupid. There are many criticisms of both sides of politics, left and right, but it's idiotic to ignore history.




You've recently found an hair on your chest? ;)

That's exactly what Smiggs and now you are trying to do. Smiggs not so much as he's alright, but you are pretty shameless. Edited by Jonny5
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the people who need to grow up is the likes of you that are blind to the fact the swp and other left wing muppets are clueless swp will up it to 13 pound a hour by steadly increasing it is better for everyone employers and employees putting it to 9 pound straight away will create job losses


I made no comment whatsoever about the merits of the SWP...good or bad!


I commented on personal remarks made about people who made a free choice to support whichever party they see fit.


You missed all of that in your haste to display yourself as someone who only believes in freedom of choice as long as it's your choice. If you want me to continue debating this subject with you then try and raise yourself above the level of the primary school playground!


One final thing...do not presume to know anything about me personally with remarks like, "people like you."

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Its been 4 days since the protest..........did it work?


Has austerity been stopped?


It's been a few weeks since the last one and they had to have another one to coincide with the budget. So proof it didn't work.


Maybe they should ask the public what they want in some kind of ballot. Maybe call it an election.


Oh I forgot they did and people voted in this government.

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I had to laugh today. I saw the Socialist Dont Work Party out with their usual banner.


They were arguing for living wage of only £10 an hour. We are at £9 at the minute are they mellowing and being more sensible in their old age?


Nmw 6.50 going up to 7.20 next april.

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