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Protest against Austerity Sheffield 8th July

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Erm, their mandate to govern is that they won the election with a majority. They were the most voted for party. .


And of course the most voted against. Quick trot out the your usual the objectors are all labour so their objections dont count defense :) Still doesnt hide the facts though

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Better: it (the Conservative Party) is the party which returned the largest number of MPs.

That's not always the party which obtained the largest number of votes, of course.

Even this time around, its absolute majority in the House of Commons was produced by a total voting support of 36.9%.

See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election/2015/results


They returned the majority of MPs by winning the most amount of seats, with the largest vote share of any party. In short, they won the election.


Labour won the election in 2005 with a much larger 66 seat majority on a lower (35.2%) vote share - were you complaining then?


---------- Post added 21-07-2015 at 21:23 ----------


And of course the most voted against. Quick trot out the your usual the objectors are all labour so their objections dont count defense :) Still doesnt hide the facts though


They won based on the electoral system we have had for over 100 years. Much in the same way Labour have done previously too.


Labour won the election in 2005 with a much larger 66 seat majority on a lower (35.2%) vote share - were you complaining then?

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Labour won the election in 2005 with a much larger 66 seat majority on a lower (35.2%) vote share - were you complaining then?


Lord alone knows how many times YOU and others have asked me the same damn question and the answer is and has always been the same. YES I DID object then, so you cannot salve your conscience about supporting such an out of date system THAT way.. It is WELL due an overall, so please stop asking me the same STUPID question because you already know the answer, change the record and do us all a favour!!

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Lord alone knows how many times YOU and others have asked me the same damn question and the answer is and has always been the same. YES I DID object then, so you cannot salve your conscience about supporting such an out of date system THAT way.. It is WELL due an overall, so please stop asking me the same STUPID question because you already know the answer, change the record and do us all a favour!!


You've been a member since 2003, so presumably you can find your posts protesting in 2005 about how unfair it was that Labour won that election?

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You've been a member since 2003, so presumably you can find your posts protesting in 2005 about how unfair it was that Labour won that election?


No, but at that there were no posts about pr then either. But I assume you will crow about that as well. Just think what you want as no doubt will just assume its a labour thing anyway no matter what I say or do or even did. The vote was unfair no matter what you claim about it being sour grapes and that CANNOT be denied

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Erm, their mandate to govern is that they won the election with a majority. They were the most voted for party. I doubt there has ever been a government to keep every election manifesto pledge they made. At the end of the day, you vote for the best of a bad bunch based on what your overall political leaning is. Most people wanted lower taxes and lower benefits.


The uk is split. Yellow at top, red in middle and blue in south. Opinions are split.

I cant see how you would know 'most' people want lower tax and benefits.

I wanted higher taxes...and less cuts. I dont mind paying taxes for a better country.


---------- Post added 22-07-2015 at 12:02 ----------


And of course the most voted against. Quick trot out the your usual the objectors are all labour so their objections dont count defense :) Still doesnt hide the facts though


It was the most voted against. True. Millions of people are opposed.

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And of course the most voted against. Quick trot out the your usual the objectors are all labour so their objections dont count defense :) Still doesnt hide the facts though


didn't rather more people vote against labour than voted against the tories, and rather more voted against ukip than voted against labour. more voted against the libdems than voted against ukip, but as more voted against the greens than voted againt the libdems it seems the tories did quite well.


---------- Post added 22-07-2015 at 12:11 ----------


The uk is split. Yellow at top, red in middle and blue in south. Opinions are split.


where exactly is this red bit in the middle?



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The uk is split. Yellow at top, red in middle and blue in south. Opinions are split.

I cant see how you would know 'most' people want lower tax and benefits.

I wanted higher taxes...and less cuts. I dont mind paying taxes for a better country.


---------- Post added 22-07-2015 at 12:02 ----------



It was the most voted against. .


More people voted against Labour if you're using silly maths...

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More people voted against Labour if you're using silly maths...


It could be said that everyone just voted against a stupid system, as the vast majority just voted tactically rather than for who they actually wanted. You need look no further than Sheffield Hallam for such am example

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It could be said that everyone just voted against a stupid system, as the vast majority just voted tactically rather than for who they actually wanted. You need look no further than Sheffield Hallam for such am example


It could also be said that the moon is made of cheese...

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