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Protest against Austerity Sheffield 8th July

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What an idiot you are!


Why should we all lose services and benefits to pay the greed of bankers?


They ****ed up the economy with their assumption that house prices would continue to increase at ridiculous levels - when people stopped paying their 125% mortgages.......that's when the Banking Crisis began.


Learn you fool!


---------- Post added 01-07-2015 at 00:11 ----------



The country has got the money - it just chooses not to collect the tax revenue from those that can avoid paying it.


Why do people keep blaming other poor people for the mess of the country when it's not the case?

Why don't you go and be a banker instead of moaning about them. It's a career choice all these moaning about bankers would probably want to be one.

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Why don't you go and be a banker instead of moaning about them. It's a career choice all these moaning about bankers would probably want to be one.


Why don't you stop trolling?


How can I, as a working class chap from Sheffield become a banker?

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Why don't you stop trolling?


How can I, as a working class chap from Sheffield become a banker?


study hard at school, go to uni, get an internship or apprenticeship at a bank or stock broker and you too could have been a banker:roll: but no you sit whining on sheffield forum banging on about unfair it all is :roll:

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Just don't think you're representing the majority when you're protesting. As you can see from this thread, even in Sheffield you don't have too much support. The Tories won the election for a reason. Get over it.


Get over what? The post was their to inform people what will be happening if there interested thats all

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study hard at school, go to uni, get an internship or apprenticeship at a bank or stock broker and you too could have been a banker:roll: but no you sit whining on sheffield forum banging on about unfair it all is :roll:


Perhaps some people simply don't want to "get on in life" by means of pushing others down?

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Actually South Yorkshire still largely votes 'leftist' especially if you include the Greens


I find it amusing(actually I don't) how on S/F a small number of Ukip types and a few misanthropes dominate the discourse on here*, skew it towards the right and make it look like they are the 'common sense' view, once they were called the 'green ink brigade.




*I don't include all right wingers on here who present decent arguments.

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Perhaps some people simply don't want to "get on in life" by means of pushing others down?


Does trying to improve one's lot mean others lose out? Or is it only people in the banking sector that somehow 'push others down' when they made advances in their personal and professional life?


Do all the people who work in HSBC in Sheffield avoid making eye contact with people on the bus home from work for fear of being clubbed to death by the massive chips on some people's shoulders?


Here's a new idea - people with more money than you didn't make your life choices for you.

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Does trying to improve one's lot mean others lose out? Or is it only people in the banking sector that somehow 'push others down' when they made advances in their personal and professional life?


Do all the people who work in HSBC in Sheffield avoid making eye contact with people on the bus home from work for fear of being clubbed to death by the massive chips on some people's shoulders?


Here's a new idea - people with more money than you didn't make your life choices for you.


Generally, above a certain level does involve stepping on someone else to get there - it's how the current system is structured


As for "All the people who work for HSBC", why would people of Sheffield have issue with the cleaning staff or shop-floor staff?

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Plenty of people who work at HSBC don't earn that much, the ones who do are unlikely to get the bus.


That doesn't matter, this is SF. If you don't claim benefits you are considered to be rich, uncaring, a Daily Mail reader and end up on Mecky's ignore list, and if you work in a bank then you must be held personally responsible for the global economy crash of 2008.

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