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I think we expect too much from the position of Prime Minister

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Civil Service is not the issue.

But the PM is not responsible for other Ministers' departments; so end the farce of PMQs relating to them.


Quite right.

But, first we need to ween Cameron, and politicians in general, of their addiction to the TV sound bite.

He pop's up in wellies, or hard hat or rugged jumper and holds forth on the current bandwagon issue. There is always a minister doing the job before he turns up like god almighty and the poor bugger is still there after he leaves.


Re: Floods - I thought the very able young star Rory Stewart* was saying some sensible and grounded things. But, in Cameron strides, in his wellies, full of platitudes and fake concern.


* I googled 'Floods minister' and loads of MP's popped up and not one of them was Rory (Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA). They are all at it, and I suspect young Rory was elbowed aside by profile addicted senior MP's.

That's why I have very little respect for any of them.

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The 24/7 instant news culture probably makes things even tougher than they used to be. Eight years is probably the maximum anyone should do in the job nowadays.

Gordon Brown, whilst he has some positive attributes, is not renowned for being a good delegator. That might be worrying in the context of the concerns you express.


Not really sure I agree here. Take the 80s and the pit closures and the Miner's strikes... Everybody who remembers that era blames Thatcher, hates Thatcher, says she was pure evil for this. However, only a fool would really believe Thatcher was solely responsible for this.


The Government sets it's objectives. The Civil Service policy officials (who work for any party, often several different ones over their career) work out how best they can do it. The Special Advisers tweak it in context of party values and the Minister announces the policy. The PM has an oversight at best.


You only have to look at press coverage today to see things have changed. Who are we blaming for Doctor's strikes? Not the PM - but that wonderful example of rhyming slang, Jeremy Hunt. Who is responsible for the Hatfield pit closure or the death of the steel industry? Sajid Javid or, if you really know your stuff, Anna Soubry.


The PM get's off lightly compared to what Thatcher had to contend with. I think that is the true effect of 24/7 media coverage.

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Civil Service is not the issue.

But the PM is not responsible for other Ministers' departments; so end the farce of PMQs relating to them.


I think he is. Isn't he supposed to take overall responsibility, or at the very least know what's going on?

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The PM get's off lightly compared to what Thatcher had to contend with. I think that is the true effect of 24/7 media coverage.


I think it is probably more a reflection of the different characters of the two Prime Ministers


Mrs Thatcher was much more hands on and believed that most of her ministers weren't really capable of implementing Government policies without her


Therefore she involved herself much more in the day to day issues.


Mr Cameron is much less hands on, but nobody should make the mistake of thinking he is just a figurehead.


There are no Conservative policies which don't have his seal of approval - he may not have proposed them all himself, but none will proceed without his approval


He won't be interested in the nitty gritty, that isn't his style or upbringing - you have staff to do the dirty work - he only gets involved in particular issues which matter to him personally or when things go too wrong and he has no choice

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