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Taptonville House Dental Practice. Good or Bad?

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Hi all,


Recently I had unbearable tooth pain which resulted with no sleep. I phoned NHS Direct and they referred me to Taptonville. I went yesterday and they took the nerve out of my tooth and put a temporary filling in. They told me the pain would still be there after but it will be a niggle. Long story short, I woke up 4:30 in agony and it still is hurting. Has anyone had experience having a root canal done here and what was the outcome? Also could you tell me your experience ragardless of what dental practice?

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I've been going to Taptonville dentist for many years now. I was with my previous dentist for over 20 years, but had to find a new practice when she retired and the new people no longer did NHS treatment.

I've had two different dentists at Taptonville and been more than satisfied with their competency. I've had 3 crowns done and a couple of fillings, but no root canal work. My son had root canal work done at a different dentist and found it to be very very painful afterwards and it took a while to settle down, but it eventually did.

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they've been brilliant with me for regular work and a couple of emergency treatments. i am sure if you get in touch with them (or 111) they will be happy to speak to you about the pain but root canals are complex and unfortunately always carry some risk.

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I have had quote a few root canals and have never woke up afterward in pain- the whole point of them is to remove the root i.e- the pain.


I would ring them- they might not have gotten all of the root out!

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Me and my family all go to Taptonville and I would always recommend the practice. I've had my only ever root canal there and had no problems at all during (it was such a long, boring and painless procedure, I nearly fell asleep) or after - had permanent filling a little while after and all is well over a year later.


But you won't have seen the dentist who did my root canal as he's emigrated since. I feel certain that if you phoned them to tell them what has happened, they would see you again in the circumstances and investigate.


Not being a dentist myself - if they've taken the root out, what is there left to feel pain?

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