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Give Sheffield Airport a chance.

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I said Manchester or Leeds and did not mention Heathrow.

For all I know they also use more expensive better equipment in Heathrow.


Have a good time in Amsterdam if you get a chance before your meeting.


---------- Post added 08-07-2015 at 13:18 ----------



Yes, I know someone who did that last month.


From me putting my carry on into the tray and then walking through the X-ray machine, 30-60 seconds is par for the course at Manchester T3.


I have my cabin bags pulled twice for a more thorough search in all the flights I've taken from T3 and I'm talking hundreds and hundreds of flights.

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You are very nosy, but they went to spain.


Also I would like to apologise to you if you think I want to make Sheffield look like a bad place. There is nothing wrong with it, it is just not the only place in the world.

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And can you find anyone from Sheffield that travels to Heathrow to catch such a flight, instead of using one of the local airports?


ive done it many times. you find a holiday deal and you are stuck with the airport that is alocated. it does annoy me that there is often a hefty premium should you wish to switch from gatwick or heathrow.

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Right, so you're now talking about charter flights, not scheduled flights...


So given that the option to fly from Manc, Leeds or East Mids isn't present in the holiday deal, why do you imagine that they would relocate a flight to Sheffield? It's not like they can't fly charters from regional airports already...


I haven't seen a charter from Heathrow for ages, I see many going from Gatwick and Luton, but switching to Manc is almost always an option.


---------- Post added 08-07-2015 at 14:43 ----------


You are very nosy, but they went to spain.

Oh, Spain airport. Yes, I'm familiar with that one. :roll:

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For Sheffield to compete it needs to stop paying catch up, because other cities aren't standing still waiting for Sheffield. Its got to do something radical to get the people in, not be years behind the others championing city living, opening up the water fronts, making city centre shopping centres, cashing in on ethnic areas (Chinatown, Curry Mile) and so on.


this is a chicken and egg situation. no one will come to sheffield if there is nothing here for them. no one will bring anything to sheffield if no one is coming. sheffield doesn't need an airport or motorway to manchester but it would make sheffield more apealing to investers if it had both.


there are passengers that use heathrow that need to go to use heathrow. there are passengers that have to use heathrow who would be happier using a different airport but have no choice. if these passengers could be moved from heathrow then heathrow might no need a 3rd runway and the money spent elsewhere to improve there infrastructure.

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this is a chicken and egg situation. no one will come to sheffield if there is nothing here for them. no one will bring anything to sheffield if no one is coming. sheffield doesn't need an airport or motorway to manchester but it would make sheffield more apealing to investers if it had both.


there are passengers that use heathrow that need to go to use heathrow. there are passengers that have to use heathrow who would be happier using a different airport but have no choice. if these passengers could be moved from heathrow then heathrow might no need a 3rd runway and the money spent elsewhere to improve there infrastructure.


See my post #96 ..it's pointless building a(nother) airport if airlines don't want to fly here...that's why the first one failed..

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See my post #96 ..it's pointless building a(nother) airport if airlines don't want to fly here...that's why the first one failed..


i thought the first one failed because it wouldn't take anything bigger than a tiger moth. robinhood is a different fish. if they are serious about a northern powerhouse developing robbinhood would be an important step. with hs2 35 years away sheffield will be a ghost town unless some one does something about it

i imagine airlines would want to fly here if heathrow became too expensive to take passengers from doncaster who want to fly to alicante.

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i thought the first one failed because it wouldn't take anything bigger than a tiger moth. robinhood is a different fish. if they are serious about a northern powerhouse developing robbinhood would be an important step. with hs2 35 years away sheffield will be a ghost town unless some one does something about it

i imagine airlines would want to fly here if heathrow became too expensive to take passengers from doncaster who want to fly to alicante.


Where are you going to build an airport large enough in Sheffield that isn't 20 minutes away from Donny?

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i thought the first one failed because it wouldn't take anything bigger than a tiger moth.


The airport was doomed because they didn't predict the rise of the likes of Ryanair and Sleazyjet buying up cheap second hand 737s for short haul.


Before that the twin turbo props and the lovely BAE 146 were well suited for the airport. But they're not cheap (compared to a second hand 737) and small so less passengers per plane and less £££.


I've done a very quick Google - a second hand 737 (128-137 seats) is $3 million. A new Bae146 (96 seats) is $25 million. The BAE is more expensive to maintain too.


I'll let someone else make the accusations against Peel and if they thought the land was more profitable for industrial units....

Edited by alchresearch
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