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Chris Evans "Pull your curtains shut"

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I've just heard Chris Evans demand that those about to leave home should close all their curtains to stop their houses turning into greenhouses. It's so important he stressed, that even if you left work 5 mins ago you should turn around go home and shut your curtains.


I think it's nonsense. Heat is generated when the sun's rays hit something. It doesn't matter if that something is the carpets, sofa or even curtains. If your curtains are on the inside of your house it will still generate the same heat.


Who's right, Chris Evans or milquetoast1?


Unless your rooms face north…

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Of course, if British houses had external shutters, you could close the shutters (fully or partially, depending on type) to reflect heat and leave the windows open behind them to help airflow...


...but as I was explaining to my little nephew who'd just arrived last night and visiting us this week, and who was asking about why our house doesn't have shutters, I can't remember the last time I saw any house around here with shutters :(

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Of course, if British houses had external shutters, you could close the shutters (fully or partially, depending on type) to reflect heat and leave the windows open behind them to help airflow...


...but as I was explaining to my little nephew who'd just arrived last night and visiting us this week, and who was asking about why our house doesn't have shutters, I can't remember the last time I saw any house around here with shutters :(


It doesn't usually get hot enough for long enough to make them a worthwhile investment.. IMO..

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Chris Evans 'demands' - who the hell does he think he is??
He's warming up for top gear .... the motoring gorillas who will hang on his every word have no brains to think for themselves need to be told what to do
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He's right.


If your curtains are closed then a) they reflect some of the sunlight straight back out of the house, and b) as they get hot (which they will, as you say) they will radiate some of that heat straight back out of the house.

If you let the sunlight hit further in the room, then less of the energy is reflected out, and less is radiated back out. Curtains closed on the sunny side will keep the house cooler.

Only if they are light curtains, but dark curtains will make the room hotter.
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He's warming up for top gear .... the motoring gorillas who will hang on his every word have no brains to think for themselves need to be told what to do


Still don't know why he thinks he can 'demand' anything. The few times I've heard/seen him he comes over as a prat.

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It doesn't usually get hot enough for long enough to make them a worthwhile investment.. IMO..


This. It is also a cultural thing, in the Netherlands people do invest in it in the South (my brother in Eindhoven has them) in the North they are very rare, yet in the North of Germany, just over the border, all houses have them, same for Belgium.


Frankly, I don't like them, I'd rather see the traditional wooden shutters that we had in the North as you can see here: https://stock-foto.nationalebeeldbank.nl/nationalebeeldbank_2015-2-904831-2_traditioneel-pakhuis-met-raam-luiken.jpeg

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Still don't know why he thinks he can 'demand' anything. The few times I've heard/seen him he comes over as a prat.
mmm.... can't necessarily disagree with you here.

But there is a side to him I like. Not sure if the fact that he has a schoolboyish, rogueish charm or the fact that somewhere behind the façade there is very shrewd guy who has made a staggering fortune out of TV productions and rights and I respect his hard work and thinking

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If you'd have actually listened to him he was reading out recommendations by listeners so he was hardly 'demanding' anything as you put it.


Other reccomendations he read out included holding a wet flannel infront of a childs hair dryer and let that cool you so i think you were supposed to take it with a large pinch of salt.

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